My past research has been focused on extracting information from genomes to better understand how they encode phenotypes. Extant living organisms are the result of an historical process that has unfolded over billions of years. Their genomes have accumulated footprints of past episodes of selection in response to interactions with their environment or with other species. I have developed computational methods based on probabilistic models to detect these footprints and interpret genomic data on a large scale.
In particular, I have used ancestral sequence reconstruction to study the lifestyles of organisms that lived billions of years ago, I have developed methods for reconstructing gene trees and species trees to better understand genome evolution, and I have developed and assessed methods to find examples of convergent genomic evolution.
My research in genomics these days mainly focuses on:
- using machine learning approaches to help in the fields of phylogenetic reconstruction and molecular evolution (collaboration with Johanna Trost, Luca Nesterenko, Philippe Veber and Laurent Jacob)
- detecting directional selection at the sequence level, notably to study convergent genomic evolution (collaboration with Louis Duchemin and Philippe Veber)
- exploiting information from horizontal gene transfers to date species phylogenies (e.g. see this manuscript and the associated recommendation by PCI Evol Biol)
I have recently broadened my interests in a variety of directions, which led me to study:
- how aphids, their predators, sugar beets and viruses interact, with the hope that a better understanding of this ecological network might help us avoid pesticides when growing sugar beets (collaboration with Baptiste Maucourt, Eric Tannier and Léo Girardin)
- wheat yields, and how they depend on meteorological conditions (collaboration with Louis Duchemin and Philippe Veber)
In terms of teaching, I have been involved in teaching Bayesian statistics, Computational Molecular Evolution, Genomics.
I also teach about the environmental footprint of our food systems as part of the course "Climat et transitions" at Université Lyon 1.
Affichage des publications 31 à 60 sur 66 au total
RevBayes: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Using Graphical Models and an Interactive Model-Specification Language
Systematic Biology . 65 : 726-36
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationResponse to Comment on "Statistical binning enables an accurate coalescent-based estimation of the avian tree
Science . 350 ( 6257 ) : 171-171
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationThe inference of gene trees with species trees
Systematic Biology . 64 ( 1 ) : e42-e62
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationWeighted Statistical Binning: Enabling Statistically Consistent Genome-Scale Phylogenetic Analyses
PLoS ONE . 10 ( 6 ) : e0129183
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationAssessing Approaches for Inferring Species Trees from Multi-Copy Genes
Systematic Biology . 64 ( 2 ) : 325-339
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationGenome-scale phylogenetic analysis finds extensive gene transfer among fungi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (1934–1990) . 370 : 20140335 (11 pages)
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationProbabilistic Graphical Model Representation in Phylogenetics
Systematic Biology . 63 ( 5 ) : 753-771
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationWhole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds.
Science . 346 ( 6215 ) : 1320-31
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationEvidence for GC-biased gene conversion as a driver of between-lineage differences in avian base composition
Genome Biology . 15 : 549
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationStatistical binning enables an accurate coalescent-based estimation of the avian tree
Science . 346 ( 6215 ) : 1250463
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationStrepsiptera, Phylogenomics and the Long Branch Attraction Problem
PLoS ONE . 9 : e107709
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationThe molecular signal for the adaptation to cold temperature during early life on Earth
Biology Letters . 9 ( 5 ) : 20130608
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationEfficient Exploration of the Space of Reconciled Gene Trees.
Systematic Biology . 62 ( 6 ) : 901-912
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationGenome-scale coestimation of species and gene trees.
Genome Research . 23 ( 2 ) : 323-330
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationBio++ : Efficient Extensible Libraries and Tools for Computational Molecular Evolution
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 30 ( 8 ) : 1745 - 1750
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationA Branch-Heterogeneous Model of Protein Evolution for Efficient Inference of Ancestral Sequences
Systematic Biology . 62 ( 4 ) : 523-538
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPhylogenetic modeling of lateral gene transfer reconstructs the pattern and relative timing of speciations.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 109 ( 43 ) : 17513-17518
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationA Phylogenomic Approach to Vertebrate Phylogeny Supports a Turtle-Archosaur Affinity and a Possible Paraphyletic Lissamphibia
PLoS ONE . 7 : e48990
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationFast and robust characterization of time-heterogeneous sequence evolutionary processes using substitution mapping.
PLoS ONE . 7 ( 3 ) : e33852
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationWhat genomes have to say about the evolution of the Earth
Gondwana Research . 21 : 483-494
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationEfficient selection of branch-specific models of sequence evolution.
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 29 ( 7 ) : 1861-1874
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationEvolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies
Bioinformatics . 28 ( 18 ) : i382-i388
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationDrift and Genome Complexity Revisited
PLoS Genetics . 7 : 1-5
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationA Mixture Model and a Hidden Markov Model to Simultaneously Detect Recombination Breakpoints and Reconstruct Phylogenies
Evolutionary Bioinformatics . 5 : 67-79
DOI: 10.4137/EBO.S2242
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationGenomes as documents of evolutionary history
Trends in Ecology & Evolution . 1192 : 1-9
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPhylogenetic Relationships Deduced from Whole Genome Comparisons
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences . : 1-8
The fate of the duplicated androgen receptor in fishes: a late neofunctionalization event ?
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 8:336 : 1-19
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationMesophilic crenarchaeota: proposal for a third archaeal phylum, the Thaumarchaeota.
Nature Reviews Microbiology . 6 ( 3 ) : 245-252
DOI: 10.1038/nrmicro1852
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationAccounting for horizontal gene transfers explains conflicting hypotheses regarding the position of aquificales in the phylogeny of Bacteria
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 8 : 272-272
Article dans une revue
voir la publication