2nd Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology - Aussois - March 19-25, 2017

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LBBE and BioSyL organize the 2nd Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology, that will be held in the Aussois ski resort (France) between March 19-25, 2017. This Course is sponsored by CNRS, with additional support from IFB, GDR BIM, Visalys, INRIA and GDR 'Informatique Mathématique'.

The main Course emphasis is methodological. One goal is to illustrate the wealth and diversity of Systems Biology issues for scientists from Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics. Another goal is to allow biologists motivated by Systems Biology to go deeper into methodological issues in order to facilitate their contacts with scientists from the formal sciences.

Sessions are preferentially organized around methodological issues: stochastic modeling, network inference, evolutionary systems dynamics, control theory, dynamical systems, with a constant eye on biological relevance ().

The Course will be an opportunity for participants to interact directly with 18 prominent scientists in this rapidly growing field. In order to facilitate casual interactions, there will be time for skiing in the afternoon.

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract of their current work to be presented as a poster in order to facilitate scientific interactions. Eight abstracts will be selected for short talks by the Scientific Committee. Student fellowships are also available and will be awarded to cover registration fees on the basis of the submitted abstract.

Key dates
Pre-registration until January 20 (deadline for student fellowship application)
Full registration until February 20