One of the LBBE's missions is to train experts in evolutionary biology, ecology and human health by providing them with a solid background for developing and using quantitative approaches (bioinformatics, modelling, statistics). This initial training mission is essentially fulfilled by the laboratory's teacher-researchers with the active participation of a large number of CNRS colleagues. The philosophy of the teaching team is to provide teaching with a strong anchorage in current research issues in evolutionary biology/ecology and health.
The teaching team is strongly involved in higher education courses at the Bachelor's (Licence), Master's and doctoral levels. The figure below lists all the courses and establishments in which LBBE members have teaching responsibilities (Licence and Master responsibilities, University Diplomas (DU)).

The LBBE's involvement in training through research has increased in recent years with our contribution to the Graduate+ project of the PIA4 SFRI (Structuring and Training through Research for Excellence Initiatives) call for proposals. Thus, the LBBE co-leads two initiatives within this establishment project:
- “Biodiversity and Bioresources", which aims to develop an international and interdisciplinary training, with a strong anchorage in research, on the dynamics, evolution, preservation and management of biodiversity and bioresources, including the quality/health of organisms and ecosystems and the production of food resources.
- “DigitBiomed" is an interdisciplinary initiative, at the interface between mathematics and computer science on the one hand, and biology and health on the other, aiming to develop training through research and turned towards the international arena, around the issues linked to the digital revolution and AI in life sciences and health.
Finally, the LBBE, in association with VetAgroSup and Lyon2, is pleased to lead a graduate school (Ecole Universitaire de Recherche) on Emerging Infectious Diseases, the EUR EID@Lyon.