Research assistance

Assistante ingénieure
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Ingénieure d'études
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 17
Technicien CDD

Assistant ingénieur

Assistant ingénieur
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 29

Assistante ingénieure
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Ingénieure de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 14

Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 15

Ingénieur d'études
Tel: 33 04 72 44 58 72
Adjointe technique
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Assistante ingénieure
Tel: 04 72 43 29 14


Ingénieur de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 29 29

The “pole biotechnologique” brings together a range of bioengineering expertise for the development of tools and approaches for research in evolutionary biology; and operational competences to ensure their logistical and technical implementation.
Since it was set up, the biotechnology hub has perpetuated insect breeding activities, including several species of drosophila, but also Venturia and Bemisia for example. These breeding activities are carried out on artificial medium or plants. We ensure laboratory logistics (e.g. autoclave, stock management, ...) as well as safety aspects, and develop devices (e.g. via 3D printing) to feed experimental research in the laboratory focusing on evolutionary genomics, behavioural ecology and functional ecology.
Our expertise is also solicited to organize field work, in metropolitan France and internationally, and to carry out population monitoring of terrestrial mammals (e.g. roe deer, marmots, feral cats, bats) and birds (dipper). In addition to capture (e.g. trapping, netting), marking and monitoring of animals, we implement experimental approaches in natura, collect biometric, behavioral and physiological data, biological samples (blood, secretions, hair, faeces, biopsy, ...) and characterize the study environments (installation of sensors, aerial imaging by drones, construction of digital models of terrain ...).
Finally, the biotechnology hub offers the technical resources and skills to analyse a wide variety of biological samples in the laboratory through an multidisciplinary prism. The complementarity and synergy of our competences are expressed in the fields of molecular biology (PCR, qPCR, construction of libraries for the genesis of ohmic data), cell biology (confocal microscopy, flow cytometry), and biochemistry (characterization of metabolic, endocrine and oxidative profiles).
Rehabilitation work was done at the LBBE in 2022 and lead to a significant expansion of the experimental space. These new premises allow us to increase our capacity, to offer new spaces and modern tools dedicated to behavioral approaches. These new premises also allow us to widen the spectrum of our activities by developing new techniques (e.g. cell culture, Crispr/cas9, RNAi, ...).
In all our activities, we regularly welcome and supervise trainees and students of all levels. For any questions or information request, do not hesitate to contact us
Display of 1 to 30 publications on 283 in total
Le pouvoir au féminin : de la scène politique chinoise à la scène littéraire française
French Cultural Studies . ( 36 )
Journal article
see the publicationLes passeuses eurasiennes du folklore japonais : Yei Theodora Ozaki et Kikou Yamata
Réécritures et transmission culturelle des mythes, des légendes et des contes populaires : plurilinguisme, littérature et arts .
Book chapter
see the publicationLe brouillon des traductrices : Un pont (in)visible entre la poésie chinoise et le monde anglophone
Pensées vives . ( 4 )
Journal article
see the publicationFeminist Translation of Chinese and Japanese Fairy Tales in France, Spain and Northern Ireland
International Research in Children's Literature .
Journal article
see the publicationLa réinvention de la femme japonaise dans les romans de Kikou Yamata
Les romancières françaises et l’invention (1900-1945) .
Book chapter
see the publicationLes ambassadrices des poétesses japonaises en France : Judith Gautier et Kikou Yamata
Les Ambassadrices de la république mondiale des lettres .
Book chapter
see the publicationQiu Jin : poétique de la révolte d’une Antigone chinoise ?
Forma Breve . ( 20 )
Journal article
see the publicationMarcela de Juan (黃瑪賽): 20th Century China Through the Eyes of a Eurasian Woman
Reimagining Asian-Spanish Synergies in Literature, Culture, and Film .
Book chapter
see the publicationL’art du tressage : le théâtre chinois sous les doigts de Judith Gautier
Colloque international “Théâtre de femmes et femmes au théâtre : dramaturges, traductrices, actrices et critiques de théâtre en Europe du XVIIe au XIXe siècle” .
Conference paper
see the publicationFlorence Ayscough's Ecopoetic and Transcultural Travel on the Yangtze River
International Conference “The Traveller’s Tale. Emergent Forms and Minority Traditions .
Conference paper
see the publicationTravelling Body, Travelling Mind: Alexandra David-Néel’s Spiritual Walk Through Asia
Body-Mind Interactions in Arts, Health, Literatures and Sciences: Asian & Indo-Oceanian Perspectives, Asia Week .
Conference paper
see the publicationFeminist Translation of Chinese and Japanese Fairy Tales in France, Spain and Northern Ireland (20th century)
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN CHILDREN’S LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION STUDIES (CLTS) New voices in Children’s Literature in Translation: Culture, Power and Transnational Approaches .
Conference paper
see the publicationDes voix souterraines qui font du bruit
XLIVe Congrès de la Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée .
Conference paper
see the publicationQiu Jin : poétique de la révolte d’une Antigone chinoise ?
Congresso Internacional - Antígona: liberdade e opressão .
Conference paper
see the publicationLe théâtre de Judith Gautier, ou l’illusion d’un voyage en Extrême-Orient
La Revue des Lettres Modernes . ( 1 ) : pp.27-41
Journal article
see the publicationLe pouvoir au féminin : de la scène politique chinoise à la scène littéraire française
France/China: 60 Years On .
Conference paper
see the publicationMarcela de Juan/黃瑪賽: 20th Century China Through the Eyes of a Eurasian Woman
Annual Meeting - Reimagining Asian-Hispanic Synergies in Literature, Culture, and Film .
Conference paper
see the publicationPour une odyssée sans retour : Mémoire de la traversée collective au féminin sous la plume de Sylvie Kandé et de Julie Otsuka
Scritture Migranti . ( 17 ) : pp.25-47
Journal article
see the publicationPréface
Anthologie poétique de la Chevalière du Lac Miroir . 978-2-487972-01-8
Book chapter
see the publicationL'Asie à travers les yeux de l'animal
Interstudia . ( 34 ) : pp.125-137
Journal article
see the publicationPlateforme Drones & Capteurs Embarqués (DCE)
Journée des Plateformes de la FR BioEEnViS .
see the publicationReconciling Pollen Limitation Theories: Insights From Temperate Oak Masting
Ecology Letters . 27 ( 11 ) : e70009
DOI: 10.1111/ele.70009
Journal article
see the publicationContribution of variable TE content on phenotype and plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster.
Annual meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) .
Conference paper
see the publicationContribution of variable TE content on phenotype and plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster.
Conférence Jacques Monod Life is plastic .
Conference paper
see the publicationFunctional analysis of interactions between bed bugs and their symbionts Wolbachia and BEV-like
International congress of Ecology and Evolution (SFE2) .
Conference paper
see the publicationContribution of variable TE content on phenotype and plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster
International congress of transposable elements .
see the publication