Baobab Group



Ingénieur de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Maître de conférences
Tel: 33 04 72 43 15 52


Maître de conférences
Tel: 04 72 43 15 52
Tel: 04 72 44 81 54

Professeur des universités
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Directrice de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 82 38


Baobab is a French research team of the Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, and at the same time represents the core of a European research team of Inria called Erable. Besides the members of Baobab, Erable has thus members in three institutions in Italy (Sapienza University of Rome, Luiss University, and University of Pisa) and two institutions in the Netherlands (CWI and Free University of Amsterdam).
Baobab has two main sets of research goals that currently cover four axes:
The first is related to the original areas of expertise of the team, namely combinatorial and statistical modelling and algorithms, although more recently the team has also been joined by members that come from biology including experimental.
The second set of goals concern its main Life Science interest which is to better understand interactions between living systems and their environment. This includes close and often persistent interactions between two living systems (symbiosis), interactions between living systems and viruses, and interactions between living systems and chemical compounds.
(pan)genomics and transcriptomics in general,
metabolism and (post)transcriptional regulation,
health in general, of living systems and environmental.
A longer objective of the team is to become able in some cases to suggest the means of controlling for or of re-establishing equilibrium in an interacting community by acting on its environment or on its players, how they play and who plays.
Two major steps are constantly involved in the research done by the team: a first one of modelling (i.e. translating) a Life Science problem into a mathematical one, and a second of algorithm analysis and design. The algorithms developed are then applied to the questions of interest in Life Science using data from the literature or from collaborators. More recently, thanks to the recruitment of young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) in biology, the team has become able to start doing experiments and producing data or validating some of the results obtained on its own.
From a methodological point of view, the main characteristic of the team is to consider that, once a model is selected, the algorithms to explore such model should, whenever possible, be exact in the answer provided as well as exhaustive when more than one exists for a more accurate interpretation of the results. More recently, the team has become interested in exploring the interface between exact algorithms on one hand, and probabilistic or statistical ones on the other such as used in machine learning approaches. More in particular, the team is interested in investigating an area of research called “interpretable machine learning” that has been developing more recently and its potential relations with exact, combinatorial approaches.
Besides being at the core of a European team, Baobab has a number of other collaborations at the international level.
Baobab is also strongly involved in teaching at the University of Lyon and Insa-Lyon, well as in other research institutions in Europe, directly or through the members of Erable that are not in France.
For more information, you may also visit the site of the Inria team Erable here:
Display of 151 to 180 publications on 308 in total
Algorithms and complexity of enumerating minimal precursor sets in genome-wide metabolic networks.
Bioinformatics . 28 ( 19 ) : 2474-2483
Journal article
see the publicationThe CycADS annotation database system to support the development and update of enriched BioCyc databases. Development of ad hoc BioCyc DB : AcypiCyc, ArthopodaCyc
13. Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques . 978-2-7261-1301-1 : Pagination multiple
Conference paper
see the publicationTelling stories: Enumerating maximal directed acyclic graphs with a constrained set of sources and targets
Theoretical Computer Science . 457 : 1--9
Journal article
see the publicationExploration of the core metabolism of symbiotic bacteria
BMC Genomics . 13 ( 1 ) : 438
Journal article
see the publicationChiTaRS: a database of human, mouse and fruit fly chimeric transcripts and RNA-sequencing data.
Nucleic Acids Research . 41 ( D1 ) : D142-D151
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gks1041
Journal article
see the publicationChimeras taking shape: potential functions of proteins encoded by chimeric RNA transcripts.
Genome Research . 22 ( 7 ) : 1231-1242
Journal article
see the publicationEvidence for transcript networks composed of chimeric RNAs in human cells
PLoS ONE . 7 ( 1 ) : Non paginé
Journal article
see the publicationEvidence for Transcript Networks Composed of Chimeric RNAs in Human Cells
PLoS ONE . 7 : 1-22
Journal article
see the publicationStructural and dynamical analysis of biological networks.
Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics . 14 : 309
DOI: 10.1093/bfgp/els030
Journal article
see the publicationBRASERO: A resource for benchmarking RNA secondary structure comparison algorithms
Advances in Bioinformatics . 2012 : 1-5
DOI: 10.1155/2012/893048
Journal article
see the publicationAnalysis of the variability of human normal urine by 2D-GE reveals a "public" and a "private" proteome
Journal of Proteomics . 75 ( 1 ) : 70 - 80
Journal article
see the publicationACoM: A classification method for elementary flux modes based on motif finding
BioSystems . 103 ( 3 ) : 410-419
Journal article
see the publication“ArthropodaCyc”: a BioCyc database powered by CycADS to study and compare the metabolism of arthropods
5. Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium “Arthropod Genomics 2011: Exploring Diversity, Relating Similarity” . : 33 p.
see the publicationRNA-seq without a reference genome: a comparison of the mapping and the assembly approaches
Conference paper
see the publicationkisSplice, détection d'évènements d'épissages alternatifs dans les données RNA-seq
: 12
see the publicationMetabolic network comparison of bacteria in the context of symbiosis
Otto Warburg International Summer School and Research Symposium on Evolutionary Genomics .
Conference paper
see the publicationTelling Stories
ICALP 2011 satellite workshop: Graph Algorithms and Applications (GA) .
Conference paper
see the publicationWolbachia detection: an assessment of standard PCR protocols.
Molecular Ecology Resources . 11 ( 3 ) : 567-72
Journal article
see the publicationFinding Long and Multiple Repeats with Edit Distance
The Prague Stringology Conference 2011 .
Conference paper
see the publicationArthropodaCyc: a BioCyc database powered by CycADS to study and compare the metabolism of arthropods
5th Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium "Arthropod Genomics 2011: Exploring Diversity, Relating Similarity" .
Conference paper
see the publicationClose 3D proximity of evolutionary breakpoints argues for the notion of spatial synteny
BMC Genomics . 12 ( 1 ) : 303
Journal article
see the publicationInitial metabolic reconstruction of Klebsiella pneumoniae Kp13, a multidrug resistant pathogen involved in nosocomial outbreaks in Brazil
X-meeting .
Conference paper
see the publicationNGS without a reference genome, comparison and visualisation of non assembled data
Statistical Methods for Post-Genomic Data (SMPGD) .
Conference paper
see the publicationUsing the “CycADS” annotation management system to develop a BioCyc metabolic network database for sequenced arthropods genomes: first steps towards “ArthropodsCyc”
Rencontres bioinformaticiens et statisticiens de l’INRA . : 1 p.
see the publicationAbsence of a core metabolic network common to symbiotic bacteria
6. Meeting GDRE-RA Comparative genomics . : 33 diapositives
Conference paper
see the publicationCycADS: an annotation database system to ease the development and update of BioCyc databases.
Database - The journal of Biological Databases and Curation . 2011 : bar008
Journal article
see the publicationBacterial syntenies: an exact approach with gene quorum.
BMC Bioinformatics . 12 : 193
Journal article
see the publicationBioNetCAD: design, simulation and experimental validation of synthetic biochemical networks
Bioinformatics . 26 ( 18 ) : 2298-2304
Journal article
see the publicationComputing biological functions using BioΨ, a formal description of biological processes based on elementary bricks of actions
Bioinformatics . 26 ( 12 ) : 1542-1547
Journal article
see the publicationTowards a multi-scale and formalized representation of protein sequence-structure-function relationships : the nsLTP family as a case of study
JOBIM2010 .
Conference paper
see the publication