Going on a mission: Mission order - Expenses covered - Conference registration - Lab or personal vehicle


For all business travel (excluding family and administrative residence), you must first request a mission order:

- From a legal point of view, it guarantees you coverage under workers' compensation legislation.

- Financially, it allows you to be reimbursed for expenses incurred.

Trainees are authorized to travel outside the laboratory, provided this is specified in their training agreement.


How and when do I apply ?

Your managers ask you to apply at least eight days in advance for an assignment in France, and three weeks at the latest for an assignment abroad or in high-risk countries, otherwise you may not be able to leave.

The process is fully dematerialized, using the following applications :

We advise you to test your connection beforehand.

If you have any problems, please contact the administrative center or your manager at : Email.

To book your transport tickets (in France and abroad) and accommodation (in France), you must use the GOELETT application accessible via Notilus.

All the informations and processes are explained in the user guide below.

I have a guest : how do I apply ?

Except in special cases, your guests don't have to advance any transportation or accommodation expenses. The above rules also apply to them.
To make a request send a mail to Email with a copy to the guest, specifying the dates he or she is coming, the reason and the credits to be used. Your managers will take care of the rest, and you will be copied on all exchanges.

Expenses Covered :

Establishment Train Plane Bus/Car Bicycle Boat
CNRS Second class
Reservation on Goelett mandatory
If reservation not possible on receipt
Economy class
Reservation on GOELETT mandatory
If reservation not possible on receipt
Flexibus-type ticket
On receipt
Vélov-type rental
On receipt
On receipt
UCBL Second class
Reservation on Goelett mandatory
If reservation not possible on receipt
Economy class
Reservation on GOELETT mandatory
If reservation not possible on receipt
Flexibus-type ticket
On receipt
Vélov-type rental On receipt
        On receipt  
Establishment Laboratory car Private car Blablacar Car rental in France Car rental abroad
CNRS Tolls on receipt
Use of petrol card
Kilometer rate *
Tolls on receipt
On receipt Bookin on GOELETT
Tolls on receipt
Use of petrol card
Reservation possible on goelett but not obligatory or on receipt
UCBL Tolls on receipt
Petrol on receipt
Kilometer rate *
Tolls on receipt
Use in France only, except Geneva
  Bookin on GOELETT
Tolls on receipt
Use of petrol card
Reservation possible on goelett but not obligatory or on receipt
Accommodation expenses        
Establishment Accommodation in France Accommodation abroad Meal in France Meal Abroad  
CNRS Booking on GOELETT mandatory.
If no proposal, please download the out-of-market certificate.
Maximum charge based on city and on receipt
Visitor's tax on justification, the amount of the night + the visitor's tax must not exceed the authorized rate.
Reservation possible on Goelett but not obligatory or on receipt
Coverage according to daily rate in effect (1 night = 65%) **.
No receipts required, up to €20 No receipts required
Reimbursed according to the daily rate in effect (1 meal = 17.5% of the daily rate) **.
UCBL Booking on GOELETT mandatory.
If no proposal, a maximum charge will be made depending on the city and on receipt.
⚠ Airbnb or equivalent prohibited
ourist tax on receipt
Reservation possible on Goelett but not obligatory or on receipt
Coverage according to daily rate in effect (1 night = 65%) **.
⚠ AirBnb or equivalent prohibited
No receipts required, up to €20 No receipts required
Reimbursed according to the daily rate in effect (1 meal = 17.5% of the daily rate) **.
Additional expenses          
Establishment Conference registration fees Parking Public transport Taxi / VTC/airport shuttle Visa Mandatory destination-related vaccinations
CNRS On receipt on return from assignment if payment by purchase order or credit card is not possible On receipt On receipt On receipt On receipt On receipt
Contact the occupational medicine department beforehand
UCBL On receipt on return from assignment if payment by purchase order or credit card is not possible On receipt On receipt On receipt On receipt On receipt
Contact the occupational medicine department beforehand
* Kilometric rate  : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000000792695/      
** Foreign daily rate : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000000792695/  

Conference/workshop registration

The laboratory can pay your conference/workshop registration fees directly online by credit card, or by purchase order in accordance with the organizers' terms and conditions.

Simply send to Email the registration link, specifying the registration deadline in the subject line of your e-mail, and adding the credit line to be used in your request. Don't wait until the last minute.

The credit card transaction is carried out either directly with your manager on his or her computer, or by giving him or her your login and password.

If the payment has not been processed by the laboratory, reimbursement may be made at the time of the statement of expenses on return from the mission. (Please contact the administrative department beforehand to make sure).

Use of laboratory cars

The laboratory has a fleet of cars at its agents' disposal. Priority is given to field activities.

The first time you request use of a car, you must send an e-mail to Email a scan of your license.

Fuel purchases are made using the fuel card provided with the vehicle papers (collected from the administration center before departure).

Users are asked to complete the tracking table below each time they use the pump.


The cost of tolls will be covered on return from the mission, on receipt.

Use of private cars

Travel by private vehicle is more specifically authorized for field missions requiring the transport of materials, or in the case of carpooling.

For all first-time requests, please send an e-mail to Email a scan of your driver's license and vehicle registration document, together with a valid insurance certificate stating that you are covered for business travel.

Don't wait until the last minute.


At the University

Staff employed by the UCBL only can benefit from an advance on expenses if they are going on a mission using UCBL-managed funds. To qualify, the estimated cost of expenses not covered by the laboratory must be equal to or greater than €750.


In the case of long missions or for staff who do not have a corporate card*, unit staff, regardless of their employer, can benefit from an advance on expenses.

The amount of these advances corresponds to 75% of the remaining expenses. To find out if you are eligible, please contact your manager at least 30 days before departure.

*Corporate card CNRS

The CNRS offers laboratory staff, whatever their employer, the possibility of benefiting from a corporate card.

When your mission is financed by CNRS funds, it enables you to pay for certain expenses in France and abroad.

It's a personal card issued in your name.

It's a deferred debit card with effect from the account closing date (end of month).

In practice, you will be reimbursed before your account is debited.For all requests, please contact your account manager.  

Useful links

Daily allowance abroad (group 1) : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000000792695/. Accommodation = 65% of allowance - Meals = 17.5% of allowance.

Private car kilometer rate : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000000792695/

SNCF ticket download platform (excluding TER) : https://www.sncf-voyageurs.com:fr:dossier-voyageur/

 Consultation of transport fares before requesting an assign : https://app.goelett.com/dashboard?ssoProvider=CNRS