Quantitative and Evolutionary Ecology of Communities Group
Munoz Francois
Professeur des universités
Display of 121 to 141 publications on 141 in total
Do spatially-implicit estimates of neutral migration comply with seed dispersal data in tropical forests?
PLoS ONE . 8 ( 8 ) : np
Journal article
see the publicationPhylogenetic turnover in tropical tree communities: impact of environmental filtering, biogeography and mesoclimatic niche conservatism
Global Ecology and Biogeography . 21 ( 10 ) : 1007-1016
Journal article
see the publicationPhylogenetic turnover in tropical tree communities - testing evolutionary and ecological hypotheses on species assembly rules at contrasting spatial scales
49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), "Ecology, Evolution and Sustainable Use of Tropical Biodiversity .
Conference paper
see the publicationRelationships of digestibility and intake by sheep of whole-crop cereal hays with different chemical, biological and physical methods
Small Ruminant Research . 108 ( 1-3 ) : 73-76
Journal article
see the publicationEstimating immigration in neutral communities: theoretical and practical insights into the sampling properties
Methods in Ecology and Evolution . 3 ( 1 ) : 152-161
Journal article
see the publicationThe role of epiphytism in architecture and evolutionary constraint within mycorrhizal networks of tropical orchids
Molecular Ecology . 21 ( 20 ) : 5098-5109
Journal article
see the publicationEcophylogenetics: advances and perspectives
Biological Reviews . 87 ( 4 ) : 769-785
Journal article
see the publicationEquation or algorithm: differences and choosing between them
Acta Biotheoretica . 59 ( 1 ) : 67-79
Journal article
see the publicationHow does herbivory affect individuals and populations of the perennial herb Paeonia officinalis ?
Flora . 206 ( 6 ) : 544-549
Journal article
see the publicationContinental-scale patterns of Cecropia reproductive phenology: evidence from herbarium specimens
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 278 ( 1717 ) : 2437-2445
Journal article
see the publicationContribution à l'étude des communautés d'adventices des culture du secteur phytogéographique oranais (Nord-ouest algérien) : aspects botanique, agronomique et phyto-écologique
AFPP - 21e Conférence du COLUMA - Journées internationales sur la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes . : 1-10
Conference paper
see the publicationCreationist conceptions of primary and secondary school teachers in nineteen countries
Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives . 9786053640318 : 447-452
Book chapter
see the publicationTeachers' conceptions of nature and environment in 16 countries
Journal of Environmental Psychology . 29 ( 4 ) : 407-413
Journal article
see the publicationDistance-based eigenvector maps (DBEM) to analyse metapopulation structure with irregular sampling
Ecological Modelling . 220 ( 20 ) : 2683-2689
Journal article
see the publicationStudying ecological communities from a neutral standpoint: a review of models' structure and parameter estimation
Ecological Modelling . 220 ( 20 ) : 2603-2610
Journal article
see the publicationContinental-scale patterns of cecropia of phenology: evidence from herbarium specimen
Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems - cross-cutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres .
see the publicationEquation against Al-gorithm : Which differences and which one to choose ?
European conference on Computing And Philosophy E-CAP 2008 .
Conference paper
see the publicationOrganisation spatiale de la diversité des arbres des forêts tropicales aux échelles régionales : enjeux méthodologiques et application dans les Ghâts occidentaux de l’Inde
: p. 149-163
see the publicationBeta diversity in spatially implicit neutral models: a new way to assess species migration.
The American Naturalist . 172 ( 1 ) : 116-27
DOI: 10.1086/587842
Journal article
see the publicationEstimating parameters of neutral communities: from one single large to several small samples
Ecology . 88 ( 10 ) : 2482–2488
DOI: 10.1890/07-0049.1
Journal article
see the publicationLes conceptions d'enseignants du primaire et du secondaire sur le déterminisme biologique de la personnalité humaine dans 12 pays d’Europe, d'Afrique et du Moyen Orient.
Congrès international AREF 2007 (Actualité de la Recherche en Education et en Formation) .
Conference paper
see the publication