The evolution of X chromosome inactivation in mammals: the demise of Ohno's hypothesis?
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences . 71 : 1383--1394
Journal article
see the publicationDisplay of 3811 to 3840 publications on 6716 in total
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences . 71 : 1383--1394
Journal article
see the publicationBMC Genomics . 14 ( 1 ) : 309
Journal article
see the publicationBMC Bioinformatics . 14 : 109
Journal article
see the publicationBulletin académique des vétérinaires de France . ( 1-4 ) : 354
DOI: 10.4267/2042/53062
Journal article
see the publicationModelling Biological Evolution 2013 : Recent Progress, Current Challenges and Future Directions .
Conference paper
see the publicationSoil Biology and Biochemistry . 57 : 468-476
Journal article
see the publicationBois et Forêts des Tropiques . 318 ( 4 ) : 59-65
Journal article
see the publicationMédecine et Maladies Infectieuses . : 1-4
Journal article
see the publicationParasitology . 140 ( 4 ) : 521-9
Journal article
see the publicationEuropean Journal of Entomology . 110 : 103-107
Journal article
see the publicationInteractions insectes-plantes . 978-2-7592-2018-2 : 263-270
Book chapter
see the publicationBMC Cardiovascular Disorders . 13 : 52
Journal article
see the publicationPLoS ONE . 8 ( 9 ) : e74493
Journal article
see the publicationThérapie . 68 : 415--7
Journal article
see the publicationLa Presse Médicale . 42 : 1284--1286
Journal article
see the publicationJournal of Clinical Epidemiology . 66 : 445-52
Journal article
see the publicationPharmacologie clinique . 68 : 135-141
Journal article
see the publicationEuropean Journal of Heart Failure . 16 ( 1 ) : 76-85
Journal article
see the publication45èmes Journées de Statistique .
Conference paper
see the publicationGlobal Ecology and Biogeography . 21 ( 10 ) : 1007-1016
Journal article
see the publication49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), "Ecology, Evolution and Sustainable Use of Tropical Biodiversity .
Conference paper
see the publicationSmall Ruminant Research . 108 ( 1-3 ) : 73-76
Journal article
see the publicationMethods in Ecology and Evolution . 3 ( 1 ) : 152-161
Journal article
see the publicationMolecular Ecology . 21 ( 20 ) : 5098-5109
Journal article
see the publicationSEFA, Société d'écotoxicologie fondamentale et appliquée . : 16
Conference paper
see the publicationEcobim . : 1
see the publicationAquatic Toxicology . 122-123 : 9-18
Journal article
see the publication: 63
see the publicationActa Paediatrica . 101 : e137-e139
Journal article
see the publicationJournal of Entomological Research . 36 : 119--122
Journal article
see the publication