Limited nest site availability helps seabirds to survive cat predation on islands
Ecological Modelling . 214 : 316-324
Journal article
see the publicationDisplay of 5011 to 5040 publications on 6699 in total
Ecological Modelling . 214 : 316-324
Journal article
see the publicationBMC Evolutionary Biology . 8 : 199
Journal article
see the publicationBiochimie . 90 ( 4 ) : 555-562
Journal article
see the publicationBiochimie . 90 ( 4 ) : 563-569
Journal article
see the publicationBiochimie . xxx : 563-569
Journal article
see the publicationMolecular and Cellular Proteomics . 7 : epub ahead of print
Journal article
see the publicationNature . 451 ( 7176 ) : 359-362
DOI: 10.1038/nature06495
Journal article
see the publicationincollection . -- : 273-277
Journal article
see the publicationWABI 2008 - 8th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics . 5251 : 233-244
Conference paper
see the publicationJournée INSA de Lyon "BioIngénierie / Sciences et Ingénierie du Vivant" . : 12 diapos
Conference paper
see the publicationActes des Journées Ouvertes de Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques . : 67-68
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see the publicationTheoretical Computer Science . 395 : 171-192
Journal article
see the publicationIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics . 5 ( 3 ) : 348-356
DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2008.16
Journal article
see the publicationProc. JOBIM . : 67-68
Journal article
see the publicationIntegrative Post-Genomics - IPG'08 .
Conference paper
see the publicationJournée INSA de Lyon "BioIngénierie / Sciences et Ingénierie du Vivant" . : 1-1
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see the publicationSéminaire INRA AgroBI .
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see the publication4. Meeting of the International Aphid Genomics Consortium "Pea Aphid Genome Annotation Workshop 1" .
see the publicationBioSystems . 95 - n°1 : 51-60
Journal article
see the publication: 26
see the publicationJournée INSA de Lyon "BioIngénierie / Sciences et Ingénierie du Vivant" . : 1-1
Conference paper
see the publicationBioinformatics . 24 : i160-i166
Journal article
see the publicationJournal of Infectious Diseases . 198 ( 5 ) : 792-794
DOI: 10.1086/590914
Journal article
see the publicationEcology . 89(8) : 2584-2593
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see the publicationincollection . 3 : 1810-1830
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see the publicationEcology . 89 : 1436-1444
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see the publicationComputational Statistics and Data Analysis . 52 : 2228-2237
Journal article
see the publicationJournal of Zoology . 275(4) : 469-477
Journal article
see the publicationProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 275 : 2025-2030
Journal article
see the publicationJournal of Animal Ecology . 77(3) : 469-477
Journal article
see the publication