Showing results 261 to 280 on 370 in total
(4-8 Juillet, propositions de symposiums jusqu’au 2 avril)
from April 1st 2021 to carry out a series of surveys to quantify pathways of disease transmission occurring between wildlife and domestic populations, and clarify how behaviours and attitudes of farmers toward wildlife may vary across livestock industries, regions and wildlife species
from April 1st 2021 to develop mathematical models aiming to improve our understanding of the epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease in endemic setting and evaluate the effectiveness of control strategies.
The LBBE benefits from the opening of a position of Master/Mistress of Conferences in 2022. We are looking for a profile of Biostatistician with expertise in modeling survival, excess mortality and high-dimensional data to strengthen the Biostatistics Health Team of the Department of Statistics and Modeling for Health Sciences.
More details below.
Do not hesitate to contact us.
The 10th Congress of the International Symbiosis Society joint with the 3rd International Conference on Holobiont will be held from July 25th to 29th 2022 in Lyon (France).
Le 26 janvier prochain (matinée 9h30 – 12h15), l’EquipEx InfectioTron organise sa conférence de lancement en présence des présidents de Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon et VetAgro Sup, ainsi que des représentants de l’ANR.
Le jeudi 13 Janvier à 20h30, Sylvain Charlat, chercheur au LBBE, participera à un débat à l'issue de la projection du film "Les Fils de l'homme", à l'aquarium ciné-café.
Ophélia Gestin, a remporté, le 9 Octobre dernier, le prix du jury « Meilleure vulgarisation » du « Festival du film [pas trop] scientifique »