Le Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive associe la modélisation mathématique et informatique à des questionnements en écologie évolutive, en génomique et en santé.
The characterization of ancient Methanococcales malate dehydrogenases reveals that strong thermal stability prevents unfolding under intense γ-irradiation
D Madern, F Halgand, C Houée-Levin, A-B Dufour, S Coquille, S Ansanay-Alex...
Advancing environmental monitoring across the water continuum combining biomarker analysis in multiple sentinel species: A case study in the Seine-Normandie Basin (France)
The expanded French compassionate programme for elexacaftor–tezacaftor–ivacaftor use in people with cystic fibrosis without a F508del CFTR variant: a real-world study