Quantitative and Evolutionary Ecology of Communities Group
Delignette-Muller Marie-Laure
Professeure des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 43 27 56
I am a Professor at VetAgro Sup, responsible for various modules of biostatistics at the veterinary curriculum, a module of critical reading of articles and co-leader of a module of Bayesian statistics mutualized between the three masters piloted by the LBBE. Some of my teaching documents are available on my personal web page.
My research activity is in the field of biometrics. I develop models and inference methods in the context of risk assessment in the field of health and environmental risks. My objective is to propose models/methods useful to researchers to better understand risks, and useful to managers to define risk indicators. My areas of expertise are: hierarchical models, non-linear models, dose-response models, in particular dose-response modeling of omics data, Bayesian inference.
In order to facilitate the use of the methods I develop to the largest number of people, I am involved in the development of various R packages: fitdistrplus, nlstools, DRomics.
My publications are listed exhaustively on my Google Scholar profile and my most recent papers are available on my HAL CV.
Display of 121 to 127 publications on 127 in total
Biological variability and exposure assessment
International Journal of Food Microbiology . 58 : 203-212
Journal article
see the publicationDetermination of parotid urea secretion in sheep by means of ultrasonic flow probes and a multifactorial regression analysis
Journal of Animal Science . 78 : 471-476
Journal article
see the publicationArtificial intelligence and meaning--some philosophical aspects of decision-making
Acta Biotheoretica . 48 : 173-179
Journal article
see the publicationBiological variability and exposure assessment
International Journal of Food Microbiology .
Journal article
see the publicationCharacterization of Unexpected Growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Modeling
Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 65 : 5322-5327
Journal article
see the publicationRelation between the generation time and the lag time of bacterial growth kinetics
International Journal of Food Microbiology . 43 : 97-104
Journal article
see the publicationApplication of a modified disc diffusion technique to antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Vibrio anguillarum and Aeromonas salmonicida clinical isolates
Veterinary Microbiology . 51 : 137-149
Journal article
see the publication