Gamelon Marlène
Chargée de recherche
Display of 31 to 60 publications on 66 in total
How does increasing mast seeding frequency affect population dynamics of seed consumers? Wild boar as a case study
Ecological Applications . : 1-11
DOI: 10.1002/eap.2134
Journal article
see the publicationHunting, Predation and Senescence in Boars
Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology . 978-0-12-816076-3
Book chapter
see the publicationBiodemography: Unifying Concepts from Biology, Demography, and Mathematics
Trends in Ecology & Evolution . 35 ( 6 ) : 475-476
Journal article
see the publicationThe Demographic Buffering Hypothesis: Evidence and Challenges
Trends in Ecology & Evolution . 35 ( 6 ) : 523-538
Journal article
see the publicationGrow fast at no cost: no evidence for a mortality cost for fast early-life growth in a hunted wild boar population
Oecologia . 192 ( 4 ) : 999-1012
Journal article
see the publicationLate-life costs of raising sons in bighorn sheep
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 117 ( 11 ) : 5556-5558
Journal article
see the publicationLocation Is Everything, but Climate Gets a Share: Analyzing Small-Scale Environmental Influences on Breeding Success in the White-Throated Dipper
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution . 8
Journal article
see the publicationMulti‐event capture‐recapture analysis in Alpine chamois reveals contrasting responses to interspecific competition, within and between populations
Journal of Animal Ecology . 89 ( 10 ) : 2279-2289
Journal article
see the publicationDopamine mediates life-history responses to food abundance in Daphnia
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 287 ( 1930 ) : 20201069
Journal article
see the publicationHow do conditions at birth influence early‐life growth rates in wild boar?
Ecosphere . 11 ( 7 )
DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3167
Journal article
see the publicationMore frequent extreme climate events stabilize reindeer population dynamics
Nature Communications . 10 : 1616
Journal article
see the publicationDoes harvesting amplify environmentally induced population fluctuations over time in marine and terrestrial species?
Journal of Applied Ecology . 56 ( 9 ) : 2186 - 2194
Journal article
see the publicationAccounting for interspecific competition and age structure in demographic analyses of density dependence improves predictions of fluctuations in population size
Ecology Letters . 22 ( 5 ) : 797 - 806
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13237
Journal article
see the publicationPredicting the effects of climate change on bird population dynamics
Effects of climate change on birds . : 74 - 90
Book chapter
see the publicationThe ground plot counting method: A valid and reliable assessment tool for quantifying seed production in temperate oak forests?
Forest Ecology and Management . 430 : 143-149
Journal article
see the publicationDoes multiple paternity explain phenotypic variation among offspring in wild boar?
Behavioral Ecology . 29 ( 4 ) : 904-909
Journal article
see the publicationEnvironmental drivers of varying selective optima in a small passerine: A multivariate, multiepisodic approach
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 72 ( 11 ) : 2325 - 2342
DOI: 10.1111/evo.13610
Journal article
see the publicationReproductive allocation in pulsed-resource environments: a comparative study in two populations of wild boar
Oecologia . 183 ( 4 ) : 1065--1076
Journal article
see the publicationInteractions between demography and environmental effects are important determinants of population dynamics
Science Advances . 3 ( 2 ) : e1602298
Journal article
see the publicationSpatial variation in senescence rates in a bird metapopulation
Oecologia . 181 ( 3 ) : 865-871
Journal article
see the publicationDensity dependence in an age-structured population of great tits: identifying the critical age classes
Ecology . 97 ( 9 ) : 2479-2490
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1442
Journal article
see the publicationReproductive costs in terrestrial male vertebrates: insights from bird studies
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 283 ( 1823 )
Journal article
see the publicationLinking demographic responses and life history tactics from longitudinal data in mammals
Oikos . 125 ( 3 ) : 395-404
DOI: 10.1111/oik.02582
Journal article
see the publicationLife Histories, Axes of Variation in
The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology . 978-0-12-800049-6 : 312-323
Book chapter
see the publicationOn the evolutionary consequences of increasing litter size with multiple paternity in wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa)
Evolution (International Journal of Organic Evolution) . 70 : 1386-97
DOI: 10.1111/evo.12949
Journal article
see the publicationLinking demographic responses and life history tactics from longitudinal data in mammals
Oikos . 125 : 395 - 404
DOI: 10.1111/oik.02582
Journal article
see the publicationEarly-late life trade-offs and the evolution of ageing in the wild
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 282 ( 1806 ) : 20150209
Journal article
see the publicationDo age-specific survival patterns of wild boar fit current evolutionary theories of senescence?
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 68 ( 12 ) : 3636-3643
DOI: 10.1111/evo.12519
Journal article
see the publicationMethods for studying cause-specific senescence in the wild
Methods in Ecology and Evolution . 5 ( 9 ) : 924 - 933
Journal article
see the publicationInfluence of Life-History Tactics on Transient Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis across Mammalian Populations
The American Naturalist . 184 ( 5 ) : 673-683
DOI: 10.1086/677929
Journal article
see the publication