Gamelon Marlène
Chargée de recherche
Display of 61 to 66 publications on 66 in total
The relationship between phenotypic variation among offspring and mother body mass in wild boar: evidence of coin-flipping?
Journal of Animal Ecology . 82 ( 5 ) : 937-945
Journal article
see the publicationThe relationship between phenotypic variation among offspring and mother body mass in wild boar: evidence of coin-flipping?
Journal of Animal Ecology . 82 ( 5 ) : 937--945
Journal article
see the publicationFluctuating food resources influence developmental plasticity in wild boar
Biology Letters . 9 ( 5 ) : 20130419
Journal article
see the publicationHow can quantitative ecology be attractive to young scientists? Balancing computer/desk work with fieldwork
Animal Conservation . 16 ( 2 ) : 134-136
Journal article
see the publicationMaking use of harvest information to examine alternative management scenarios : a body weight-structured model for wild boar
Journal of Applied Ecology . 49 : 833--841
Journal article
see the publicationHigh Hunting Pressure Selects for Earlier Birth Date: Wild Boar as a Case Study
Evolution . 65 : 3100-3112
Journal article
see the publication