Quantitative and Evolutionary Ecology of Communities Group
Lobry Jean
Professeur des universités
Batiment Mendel, 1er étage. Bureau 11.048
Display of 1 to 30 publications on 49 in total
Oak masting drivers vary between populations depending on their climatic environments
Current Biology . 33 ( 6 ) : 1117-1124.e4
Journal article
see the publicationThe CV is dead, long live the CV !
Methods in Ecology and Evolution .
Journal article
see the publicationEnseigner les recueil des données : explorer la variabilité biologique ... au chaud, dans une salle de cours
Statistique et Enseignement . 8 ( 2 ) : 79-85
Journal article
see the publicationEstimating the Number of Contributors to Forensic DNA Mixtures: Does Maximum Likelihood Perform Better Than Maximum Allele Count?
Journal of Forensic Sciences . 56 ( 1 ) : 23-28
Journal article
see the publicationSerotyping of Toxoplasma gondii: striking homogeneous pattern between symptomatic and asymptomatic infections within Europe and South America.
Microbes and Infection . 10 ( 7 ) : 742-7
Journal article
see the publicationFrom W.S. Gosset`s pieces of card (1908) to R software : analysing Macdonell`s dataset of 3000 criminals
Biométrie Humaine et Anthropologie - revue de la Société de biométrie humaine . 26 : 33-39
Journal article
see the publicationAn agent-based model for predicting the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi I and II in their host and vector populations
Journal of Theoretical Biology . 255 : 307-315
Journal article
see the publicationA New Method for Assessing the Effect of Replication on DNA Base Composition Asymmetry
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 24 : 2169-2179
Journal article
see the publicationA New Method for Assessing the Effect of Replication on DNA Base Composition Asymmetry
incollection . 7 : 379-381
Journal article
see the publicationSeqinR 1.0-2: a contributed package to the R project for statistical computing devoted to biological sequences retrieval and analysis
incollection . -- : 207-232
Journal article
see the publicationSerotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in chronically infected pregnant women: predominance of type II in Europe and types I and III in Colombia (South America).
Microbes and Infection . 8 ( 9-10 ) : 2333-40
Journal article
see the publicationUV-Targeted Dinucleotides Are Not Depleted in Light-Exposed Prokaryotic Genomes
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 23 : 2214-2219
Journal article
see the publicationRevisiting the directionnal mutation pressure theory : The analysis of a particular genomic structure in Leishmania major
Gene . 385 : 28-40
Journal article
see the publicationSerotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in chronically infected pregnant women : predominance of type II in Europe and types I and III in Colombia (South America)
Microbes and Infection . 8 : 2333-2340
Journal article
see the publicationSynonymous codon usage and its potential link with optimal growth temperature in prokaryotes.
Gene . 385 : 128-136
Journal article
see the publicationNo Evidence for Tissue-Specific Adaptation of Synonymous Codon Usage in Humans
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 23 : 523-529
Journal article
see the publicationOnline synonymous codon usage analyses with the ade4 and seqinR packages
Bioinformatics . 21 : 545-547
Journal article
see the publicationForcing reversibility in the no-strand-bias substitution model allows for the theoretical and practical identifiability of its 5 parameters from pairwise DNA sequence comparisons
Gene . 347 : 175-182
Journal article
see the publicationLife history traits and genome structure: aerobiosis and G+C content in bacteria
Lecture Notes in Computer Science . 3039 : 679-686
Journal article
see the publicationForcing reversibility in the no strand-bias substitution model allows for the theoretical and practical identifiability of its 5 parameters from pairwise DNA sequence comparisons
see the publicationInternal correspondence analysis of codon and amino-acid usage in thermophilic bacteria
Journal of Applied Genetics . 44 : 235-261
Journal article
see the publicationPolarisation of prokaryotic chromosomes
Current Opinion in Microbiology . 6 : 101-108
Journal article
see the publicationAsymmetric directional mutation pressures in bacteria
Genome Biology . 26 : 1-14
Journal article
see the publicationOriloc: prediction of replication boundaries in unannotated bacterial chromosomes
Bioinformatics . 16 : 560-561
Journal article
see the publicationAnalyzing DNA strand compositional asymmetry to identify candidate replication origins of Borrelia burgdorferi linear and circular plasmids
Genome Research . 10 : 1594-1604
Journal article
see the publicationIntra-strand biases in bacteriophage T4 genome
Gene . 238 : 59-64
Journal article
see the publicationPhysical mapping of an origin of bidirectional replication at the centre of the Borrelia burgdorferi linear chromosome
Molecular Microbiology . 32 : 437-445
Journal article
see the publicationEvolution of DNA base composition under no-strand-bias conditions when the substitution rates are not constant
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 16 : 719-723
Journal article
see the publicationAsymmetric substitution patterns: a review of possible underlying mutational or selective mechanisms
Gene . 238 : 65-77
Journal article
see the publication