Display of 31 to 60 publications on 61 in total
Finding essential scales of spatial variation in ecological data: a multivariate approach
Ecography . 32(1) : 161-168
Journal article
see the publicationOn the challenge of treating various types of variables: application for improving the measurement of functional diversity
Oikos . 118(3) : 391-402
Journal article
see the publicationFrom W.S. Gosset`s pieces of card (1908) to R software : analysing Macdonell`s dataset of 3000 criminals
Biométrie Humaine et Anthropologie - revue de la Société de biométrie humaine . 26 : 33-39
Journal article
see the publicationRevealing cryptic spatial patterns in genetic variability by a new multivariate method
Heredity . 101 : 92-103
Journal article
see the publicationThe ade4 Package: Implementing the Duality Diagram for Ecologists
Journal of Statistical Software . 22 : 1-20
Journal article
see the publicationThe ade4 Package--II: Two-table and K-table Methods
R News . 7 : 47-52
Journal article
see the publicationConsensus genetic structuring and typological value of markers using multiple co-inertia analysis
Genetics Selection Evolution . 39 ( 5 ) : 545-567
Journal article
see the publicationThe ade4 Package-II: Two-table and K-table Methods
The R Journal . 7 : 47-52
Journal article
see the publicationConsensus genetic structuring and typological value of markers using multiple co-inertia analysis
Genetics Selection Evolution . 39 : 545-567
Journal article
see the publicationFréquences alléliques et cohérence entre marqueurs moléculaires : des outils descriptifs
Les actes du Bureau des Ressources Génétiques . 6 : 25-39
Journal article
see the publicationExemple de démarche biométrique : une étude de la variabilité génétique humaine par la double analyse en coordonnées principales
Biométrie Humaine et Anthropologie - revue de la Société de biométrie humaine . 24 : 5-11
Journal article
see the publicationFréquences alléliques et cohérence entre marqueurs moléculaires : des outils descriptifs
Colloque BRG . : 1 volume
Eigenanalysis of selection ratios from animal radio-tracking data
Ecology . 87 : 2349-2355
Journal article
see the publicationK-select analysis: a new method to analyse habitat selection in radio-tracking studies
Ecological Modelling . 186 : 143-153
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluating the temperament in shelter dogs
Journal of Behavior . 142 : 1307-1328
Journal article
see the publicationIs the originality of a species measurable ?
Ecology Letters . 8 : 579-586
Journal article
see the publicationShort-term effects of using verbal instructions and demonstration at the beginning of learning a complex skill in figure skating.
Perceptual and Motor Skills . 100 : 179-191
Journal article
see the publicationOsservazioni etologiche per determinare il temperamento di cani residenti nel pubblico canile e ospedale veterinario
Il Progresso Veterinario . 11 : 412-414
Journal article
see the publicationFrom dissimilarities among species to dissimilarities among communities: A Double Principal Coordinate Analysis
Journal of Theoretical Biology . 228 : 523-537
Journal article
see the publicationDifferences in Lactate exchange and removal abilities in athletes specialised in different Track Running Events (100m to 1500m)
International Journal of Sports Medicine . 24 : 108-113
Journal article
see the publicationTime to exhaustion is related to lactate exchange and removal abilities
International Journal of Sports Medicine . 23 : 433-438
Journal article
see the publicationInfluence of changes in nasal ventilation on workload during submaximal field running
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness . 42 : 495-499
Journal article
see the publicationL'evoluzione delle nuove prove di educazione fisica e sportiva all'esame di maturità : cambiamento o continuita ? Athletica
Ricerca in Scienze dello sport . 162 : 32-38
Journal article
see the publicationHydrodynamics optimisation in butterfly swimming : position drag coefficient and performance
Journal of Biomechanics . 32 : 803-810
Journal article
see the publicationProblèmes posés par les logiciels d`analyse discriminante. Discussion autour d`un exemple : Morphotypes de sportifs
Science et Motricité : revue scientifique de l'ACAPS / ACAPS . 29-30 : 76-81
Journal article
see the publicationFrequency-dependent maintenance of left handedness in humans
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 263 : 1627-1633
Journal article
see the publicationL`analyse de la variance utilisée pour étudier l`évolution de l`indice de corpulence avec l`âge selon les différentes pathologies de croissance
Cahiers d'anthropologie et biométrie humaine . 14 : 79-89
Journal article
see the publicationL`analyse canonique : une méthode ressource pour l`étude de l`évolution conjointe de deux ensembles d`indicateurs
EPS : Revue education physique et sport . 28 : 141-151
Journal article
see the publicationModèles de taille et de forme : Que choisir ?
Revue de Statistique Appliquée . 42 : 5-18
Journal article
see the publication