Display of 1 to 30 publications on 84 in total
Étude du retour de la Loutre d'Europe Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) sur le fleuve Lez (fleuve côtier, Hérault, France) grâce aux méthodes non-invasives de suivi des populations et une collaboration étroite entre structures académiques et territorial
see the publicationA common statement on anthropogenic hybridization of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris)
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution . 11 : 1156387
Journal article
see the publicationPopulation genomics of Corsican wildcats: Paving the way toward a new subspecies within the Felis silvestris spp. complex?
Molecular Ecology . 32 ( 8 ) : 1908-1924
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16856
Journal article
see the publicationUsing pedigree relations to inform capture‐recapture data for the estimation of census population size
Journal of Wildlife Management . 87 ( 8 )
DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22481
Journal article
see the publicationPopulation density and genetic diversity are positively correlated in wild felids globally
Global Ecology and Biogeography . 32 : 1858 - 1869
DOI: 10.1111/geb.13727
Journal article
see the publicationMicrosatellites and mitochondrial evidence of multiple introductions of the invasive raccoon Procyon lotor in France
Biological Invasions . 25 : 1955–1972
Journal article
see the publicationGenetic variability and population size covary positively across nine badgers (Meles meles) populations in France
Mammal Research . 67 ( 2 ) : 239-244
Journal article
see the publicationGenetic integrity of European wildcats: Variation across biomes mandates geographically tailored conservation strategies
Biological Conservation . 268 : 109518
Journal article
see the publicationLandscape genetic connectivity in European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris): a matter of food, shelters and demographic status of populations
Conservation Genetics . 23 ( 3 ) : 653-668
Journal article
see the publicationAuthor Correction: Spatial variance-mass allometry of population density in felids from camera-trapping studies worldwide
Scientific Reports . 11 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationNew insights into the past and recent evolutionary history of the Corsican mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) to inform its conservation
Conservation Genetics . 23 ( 1 ) : 91 - 107
Journal article
see the publicationBreaking down population density into different components to better understand its spatial variation
BMC Ecology and Evolution . 21 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationConsistently high multiple paternity rates in five wild boar populations despite varying hunting pressures
Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde . 101 ( 3 ) : 321-327
Journal article
see the publicationSpatial variance-mass allometry of population density in felids from camera-trapping studies worldwide
Scientific Reports . 10 ( 1 ) : 14814
Journal article
see the publicationIsotopic evidence of individual specialization toward free-ranging chickens in a rural population of red foxes
European Journal of Wildlife Research . 66 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationL’apport de la génétique dans la compréhension de l’évolution des populations de ratons laveurs
Faune Sauvage .
Journal article
see the publicationPopulation genetic structures at multiple spatial scales: importance of social groups in European badgers
Journal of Mammalogy . 101 ( 5 ) : 1380-1391
Journal article
see the publicationData gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 116 ( 19 ) : 9658-9664
Journal article
see the publicationEcologie évolutive, gestion et conservation des petits et méso-mammifères carnivores.
Does host socio-spatial behavior lead to a fine-scale spatial genetic structure in its associated parasites?
Parasite . 26 : 64
Journal article
see the publicationGenetic resistance against parasitism in female Mediterranean mouflon: Involvement of both neutral and adaptive genetic diversity
Labex EcoFect Annual Meeting .
Conference paper
see the publicationQuantifying the contribution of immigration to population dynamics: a review of methods, evidences and perspectives in birds and mammals
Biological Reviews . 94 ( 6 ) : 2049-2067
DOI: 10.1111/brv.12549
Journal article
see the publicationAltitude shapes the environmental drivers of large‐scale variation in abundance of a widespread mammal species
Ecology and Evolution . 10 ( 1 ) : 119-130
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5851
Journal article
see the publicationHabitat fragmentation and anthropogenic factors affect wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris occupancy and detectability on Mt Etna
Wildlife Biology . 2019 ( 1 ) : 00561
DOI: 10.2981/wlb.00561
Journal article
see the publicationBoth candidate gene and neutral genetic diversity correlate with parasite resistance in female Mediterranean mouflon
BMC Ecology . 19 : 1-14
Journal article
see the publicationLandscape genetics matches with behavioral ecology and brings new insight on the functional connectivity in Mediterranean mouflon
Landscape Ecology . 33 ( 7 ) : 1069-1085
Journal article
see the publicationDoes multiple paternity explain phenotypic variation among offspring in wild boar?
Behavioral Ecology . 29 ( 4 ) : 904-909
Journal article
see the publicationGenetic Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii DNA Samples Isolated From Humans Living in North America: An Unexpected High Prevalence of Atypical Genotypes
Journal of Infectious Diseases . 218 ( 11 ) : 1783-1791
Journal article
see the publicationIntroduction history overrides social factors in explaining genetic structure of females in Mediterranean mouflon
Ecology and Evolution . 7 ( 22 ) : 9580 - 9591
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3433
Journal article
see the publicationDesigning cost-effective capture-recapture surveys for improving the monitoring of survival in bird populations
Biological Conservation . 214 : 233-241
Journal article
see the publication