Siberchicot Aurélie
Ingénieure de recherche
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Building Grégor Mendel - 1st floor - Office 51 (11.051)
As a software engineer, my core activity is to develop and maintain data analysis software to enhance and sustain research results. As an expert in the R language and its ecosystem, I am responsible for numerous R packages and shiny apps. To share my R-related skills, I design original training courses and take part in teaching programs. More broadly, I'm interested in tools for reproducible research and open science.
- Position and responsibilities
- Scientific Research Engineer (Ingénieure de Recherche) since 2023
- Scientific Project Engineer (Ingénieure d'Études) from 2012 to 2023
- Representative of the LBBE IT Department, since 2018
- ITA / BIATSS representative on the UMR council, since 2017
- Networks and IDs
- GitHub : aursiber
- ORCID : 0000-0002-7638-8318
- HAL : aurelie-siberchicot
- Google Scholar
Evolutionary Ecology
- ade4 (Multivariate data analysis and graphical display) : CRAN -- GitHub -- book -- shiny app
- ade4TkGUI (A Tcl/Tk GUI for some basic functions in the ade4 package) : CRAN -- GitHub
- adegraphics (Graphical functionalities for the representation of multivariate data) : CRAN -- GitHub -- article -- talk
- adephylo (Exploratory Analyses for the Phylogenetic Comparative Method) : CRAN -- GitHub
- adespatial (Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis) : CRAN -- GitHub
- CINID (Package on the Curculionidae INstar IDentification) : CRAN -- article
- Interatrix (Compute Chi-Square Measures with Corrections) : CRAN -- article
- OnAge (Implements a likelihood ratio test of differential senescence onset between two groups) : CRAN -- web
- Analysis of data from the International Tiger Studbook and from the International and North American Regional Studbooks for Ruffed Lemurs -- article -- article
- AGEX (ANR-15-CE32-0002-01, 2015-2019) -- article
- Potenchêne (GIP-ECOFOR, 2014-2018) -- article
- CoCoReCo (ANR JC09-470585, 2009-2012) -- article
- DLVitis (ANR-08-GENM-0002, 2008-2011) -- article -- CRAN
- DRomics (Dose Response for Omics) : CRAN -- GitHub -- shiny app 1 -- shiny app 2 -- web -- article -- IFB cloud appliance 1 -- IFB cloud appliance 2
- kissDE (Retrieves Condition-Specific Variants in RNA-Seq Data) : Bioconductor -- GitHub
- LDcorSV (Linkage Disequilibrium Corrected by the Structure and the Relatedness) : CRAN -- article
- MareyMap (Estimation of Meiotic Recombination Rates Using Marey Maps) : CRAN -- GitHub -- web -- shiny app -- article
- phylter (Detect and Remove Outliers in Phylogenomics Datasets) : CRAN -- GitHub
Statistics and data analysis
- fitdistrplus (Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data) : CRAN -- GitHub -- web
- Mondrian (A Simple Graphical Representation of the Relative Occurrence and Co-Occurrence of Events) : CRAN -- GitHub -- shiny app
- nlsMicrobio (Nonlinear Regression in Predictive Microbiology) : CRAN -- GitHub
- nlstools (Tools for Nonlinear Regression Analysis) : CRAN -- GitHub
IT services
- shiny server: http://lbbe-shiny.univ-lyon1.fr
- website of Statistics in Biology: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/
Professional networks and conferences
- 3e Journées Nationales du Réseau de la Recherche Reproductible, Lyon (organization committee)
- Rencontres R (steering committee)
- 7e Rencontres R, Conference, Rennes (programm commitee)
- R pour le calcul, Action Nationale de Formation CNRS, Aussois (organization committee)
- 2e Rencontres R, Conference, Lyon (organization committee) -- article
Trainings and Courses
- UE IT bases, M1 Biodiversité, Écologie et Évolution, University Lyon 1
- UE Visualization of Biological Data, M2 Bio-informatique, University Lyon 1
- Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology, FRB-Cesab et Gdr Ecostat
- The basics of the R language, University Savoie Mont Blanc
- Programming with R: from the simplest to the most complex, Groupe Lyon Calcul
- Build your own package in R, ANF CNRS R pour le calcul
Competition Jury
- Concours externe ENS (2021) - BAP A- IE - Ingénieur·e biologiste en traitement des données
- Concours externe INRA (2019) - Experte - BAP E - AI - Assistant·e statisticien·ne
- Concours externe INRA (2019) - BAP E - IE - Administrateur·trice des systèmes d’information
- Concours externe CNRS (2017) - Experte - BAP E - IE - Ingénieur·e en ingénierie logicielle - 2 postes
- Cassandra Bompard, stage M2, Développement d'un package R de visualisation (2023)
- Eliane Schermer, stage M2 et thèse, Modélisation en écologie (2015-2019)
- Luka Matsuda, stage L3, Bioinformatique, Statistique et Modélisation (2018)
- Adrien Bessy, stage M2, Bioinformatique (2015)
Display of 31 to 36 publications on 36 in total
Conference Report: Deuxièmes Rencontres R
The R Journal . 5/2 : 164--165
Journal article
see the publicationNovel measures of linkage disequilibrium that correct the bias due to population structure and relatedness
Heredity . 108 ( 3 ) : 285-291
DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2011.73
Journal article
see the publicationGenetic structure and linkage disequilibrium in 4 Vitis species
Plant and Animal Genomes Conference . : np
Conference paper
see the publicationGenetic structure and linkage disequilibrium in 4 Vitis species
Grapevine breeding and genetics .
see the publicationGenetic structure and linkage disequilibrium in four Vitis species
10. International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics .
Conference paper
see the publicationGenetic structure and linkage disequilibrium in 4 species of the Vitis genus
Génoplante .
see the publication