Evolutionary Ecology
The department of Evolutionary Ecology gathers complementary skills in behavioural ecology, population dynamics, population biology, community ecology, and methodology (statistics and modelling). The research done in the department aims at studying how animal species evolve in a changing world by understanding the causes of the evolution of traits, adaptations and interactions. For that, we consider different levels of organization from individuals to populations and communities. Because organisms cannot be considered isolated from other biotic factors, we consider pathogens but also competing species within communities.
We study how individuals adapt to their environments that are largely impacted by anthropic pressures, and how life history traits and behaviour evolve in response to these pressures. Although we mainly focus on phenotype, we more and more consider the mechanistic link between the genotype and the phenotype. We develop the theoretical framework of our discipline through a conceptual and modeling approach. In parallel, we test hypotheses that arise from theoretical predictions through experimental, comparative and observational approaches on different biological models (insects, birds, mammals). Experimental approaches are developed in the laboratory (insect model) and in natura (bird, insect and mammal models). Observational and comparative research is mainly concerned with vertebrates. Our approaches are also, and increasingly, interested in the mechanisms of adaptive responses. In addition to the classical approaches of demographic analysis and trait change, methods of ecophysiology, chemical ecology and molecular biology are used.
Our department hosts several long-term studies of wild populations of different species. These long-term studies offer a valuable way to understand how biotic and abiotic factors affect individuals’ life history traits, and the functioning of populations in natura. Five populations of mammalian species are thus monitored for several years (more than 40 years on roe deer, 30 on Alpine marmots, 25 years on cats, 16 years on zebras, and 20 years on impala). Two of our study sites (La Sassière in Vanoise National Park (Alpine marmots) and Hwange National Park) have been certified as “Site d’Etude en Ecologie Globale” (SEEG), and two (ZA “Hwange” and ZA “Antarctic and sub-Antarctic”) were certified as “Zone Atelier” by the CNRS.
The department of Evolutionary ecology is also largely involved in training activities. Lastly, we also have strong socio-economic relationships. Indeed, because we address questions of major societal interest (global warming, public health) we tightly collaborate with socio-economic partners (Office Français de la Biodiversité, Vanoise National Park, Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, Office National des Forêts, etc.) and participate to general public and media events.
Display of 1111 to 1140 publications on 2315 in total
In-planta sporulation phenotype: a major life history trait to understand the evolution of Alnus-infective Frankia strains
Environmental Microbiology . 17 : 3125-38
Journal article
see the publicationDéveloppement d’une méthodologie pour l'amélioration du suivi chimique des eaux continentales. Rapport de synthèse de l’étude pilote : déploiement de l’outil gammare encagé au niveau national, résultats pour les métaux ciblés
: 60
see the publicationRapid response of a long-lived species to improved water and grazing management: the case of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in the Camargue, France.
Journal for Nature Conservation . 22 ( 4 ) : 342-348
Journal article
see the publicationHow root traits are modified in secondary succession gradient along roadsides ?
BES and SFE Joint Annual Meeting . : np
Conference paper
see the publicationDesigning ‘trait-based null model’ approaches to investigate community assembly mechanisms
BES and SFE Joint Annual Meeting 2014 . : np
Conference paper
see the publicationModification des traits racinaires le long d’une succession secondaire sur des talus routiers: implications dans la dynamique des communautés et la protection des sols contre l’érosion
Ecoveg 10 . : np
see the publicationProcesos ecológicos a múltiples escalas que afectan a las dinámicas de comunidades de plantas en los humedales altoandinos de Bolivia - Multi-scale ecological processes driving plant community dynamics in high-elevation peatlands of Bolivia
Ecologia en Bolivia . 49 ( 3 ) : 104-120
Journal article
see the publicationCharacterizing the phylogenetic tree community structure of a protected tropical rain forest area in Cameroon
PLoS ONE . 9 : e98920
Journal article
see the publicationImproving early detection of exotic or emergent oyster diseases in France: identifying factors associated with shellfish farmer reporting behaviour of oyster mortality.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine . 116 ( 1-2 ) : 168-182
Journal article
see the publicationModélisation microstructurale de la précipitation en soudage par friction malaxage Application à l’alliage d’aluminium 2024 (CM-13-639)
Matériaux 2014, 13 - Procédés d’assemblage ~ 9ème Journée Nationale du Soudage .
Conference paper
see the publication3D Numerical simulation of friction stir welding of lap joints using an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation
Key Engineering Materials . 611-612 : 1528-1535
Journal article
see the publicationE. coli O157 on Scottish cattle farms: Evidence of local spread and persistence using repeat cross-sectional data
BMC Veterinary Research . 10 ( 1 ) : 95
Journal article
see the publicationHow commercial and non-commercial swine producers move pigs in Scotland: a detailed descriptive analysis
BMC Veterinary Research . 10 ( 1 ) : 140
Journal article
see the publicationWing geometry as a tool for discrimination of Obsoletus group (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae: Culicoides) in France.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution . 21 : 110-117
Journal article
see the publicationEarly-life events and their consequences for adult performance in populations of large herbivores : evolutionary, ecological and demographic perspectives
see the publicationDéveloppement d’une méthodologie pour l'amélioration du suivi chimique des eaux continentales
: 66
see the publicationBehavioural and physiological indicators of shelter dogs' welfare: Reflections on the no-kill policy on free-ranging dogs in Italy revisited on the basis of 15 years of implementation
Physiology & behavior . 133 : 223-9
Journal article
see the publicationExploration forays in juvenile European hares (Lepus europaeus): dispersal preludes or hunting-induced troubles?
BMC Ecology . 14 : 6
Journal article
see the publicationDetermining the instar of a weevil larva (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using a parsimonious method
European Journal of Entomology . 111 ( 4 ) : 567-573
Journal article
see the publicationCombining the fourth-corner and the RLQ methods for assessing trait responses to environmental variation.
Ecology . 95 ( 1 ) : 14-21
DOI: 10.1890/13-0196.1
Journal article
see the publicationSimilar Processes but Different Environmental Filters for Soil Bacterial and Fungal Community Composition Turnover on a Broad Spatial Scale
PLoS ONE . 9 ( 11 ) : 1-11
Journal article
see the publicationVariation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds.
Ecology and Evolution . 4 ( 18 ) : 3583-3595
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1189
Journal article
see the publicationModelling the transmission and management of pestivirus at the interface between sheep and chamois
11. Biennial Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA) .
Conference paper
see the publicationThe changing pace of insular life: 5000 years of microevolution in the orkney vole (microtus arvalis orcadensis)
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 68 ( 10 ) : 2804-2820
DOI: 10.1111/evo.12476
Journal article
see the publicationApproche méthodologique pour faire évoluer la pédagogie en TD vers un apprentissage actif soutenu par des TICE
Colloque annuel AIPU (Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire) . : 157-165
Conference paper
see the publicationStatistical handling of reproduction data for exposure-response modeling
Environmental Science and Technology . 48 : 7544-51
DOI: 10.1021/es502009r
Journal article
see the publicationBiochemical and behavioural responses of the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor to cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QDs): waterborne and dietary exposure
Chemosphere . 100 : 63-70
Journal article
see the publicationFitness consequences of environmental conditions at different life stages in a long-lived vertebrate.
Biology Letters . 281 ( 1785 ) : 20140276
Journal article
see the publicationEruption patterns of permanent front teeth as an indicator ofperformance in roe deer
Ecological Indicators . 45 : 300-307
Journal article
see the publicationEarly life expenditure in sexual competition is associated with increased reproductive senescence in male red deer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 281 : 20140792
Journal article
see the publication
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