Predictive Modelling and Ecotoxicology Group

Professeur des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 00


Maître de conférences
Tel: 33 04 72 44 80 51
Research activities of team MEPS team aim at proposing integrated mathematical and statistical modelling approaches to predict the effects of environmental disturbances at different levels of biological organisation. We are also interested in their functional and evolutionary consequences whether on individual fitness, population, community and/or ecosystem dynamics. In order to build generic enough models with a high predictive power, team MEPS is particularly interested in understanding the functioning of the complex systems under consideration, and not only a very refined description of them. Thus, our models always respect the parsimony principl, ensuring that they remain sufficiently simple with limited "black box" effects. Particular attention is also paid to the robustness, and therefore the generalizability, of the knowledge produced through these models, with the final goal of improving the overall acceptability of modelling approaches in support of decision-making for environmental risk assessment.
Reducing the complexity of systems in order to produce relevant and generic enough models must not preclude having solid mathematical foundations, so that these models remain useful tools for understanding the mechanisms underlying disturbance processes and effects observed on tissues, organisms, populations, communities and/or ecosystems. Such mechanistic models must also include the temporal dimension, which is essential when we are talking about dynamic processes as for realistic exposure scenarios to several environmental pressures. At the same time, complementary criteria of short- and long-term effects must be taken into account to address issues such as remediation and restoration of some specific environments as well as the potential of providing a dynamical and integrative prediction of effects over several generations.
In this context, team MEPS is today focused on the following topics:
- The development of mechanistic models based on physiological, namely physiologically based toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (PBTKTD) models, in the perspective of providing predictive and diagnostic tools for the environmental quality;
- The plasticity of individual responses to one (or a combination of) stress factor(s) (e.g. contamination and/or global warming) and the effects of adaptation phenomena on the long-term dynamics of populations;
- The prediction of the species sensitivity distribution within communities when exposed to chemical contaminants by integrating inter-species variability on various biological parameters of interest and not only on a critical effect concentration;
- The development and the maintenance of the MOSAIC web platform (MOdeling and StAtistical tools for ecotoxICology, which freely and in a user-friendly way provides a collection of tools for data analysis and modelling in the field of ecotoxicology.

Display of 121 to 150 publications on 227 in total
Towards a renewed research agenda in ecotoxicology
Environmental Pollution . 160 ( 1 ) : 201-206
Journal article
see the publicationCaged gammarids to improve the characterization of contamination levels in continental waters - toward the determination of threshold values
EMEC ( European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry) 12th . : 1
see the publicationTransfer of PCB from sediment to biota: development of a bioaccumulation model in a risk assessment perspective
SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting . : 2
Conference paper
see the publicationEffet des substances chimiques sur les organismes aquatiques. Développement d’une batterie multi spécifique pour l’évaluation écotoxicologique de la qualité du milieu
: 93
see the publicationTransferts de contaminants hydrophobes du sédiment au biote : construction de modèles dans une perspective de gestion
: 186
see the publicationContamination des poissons d'eau douce par les PCB et d'autres contaminants persistants dans le bassin Rhône-Méditerranée. Détermination de facteurs d'accumulation sédiments-poissons et d'une valeur seuil dans le sédiment au-delà de laquelle les po
: 84
see the publicationMesure du taux d'alimentation in situ avec Gammarus fossarum (Crustacé) : un outil écologiquement pertinent pour l'évaluation de la qualité chimique des milieux aquatiques
Colloque de la SEFA . : 22
Conference paper
see the publicationPopulation models in Gammarus (Crustacean) and Potamopyrgus (Gastropod): depicting the seasonal variability in demographic sensitivities to toxic stress by sensitivity analysis
SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting . : 1
see the publicationIn situ feeding assay with Gammarus fossarum: move forward to an ecologically relevant biomonitoring of water chemical quality
SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting . : 21
Conference paper
see the publicationLes mathématiques au secours de la faune aquatique
Rhône-Alpes et l'environnement : 100 questions pour la recherche . : 124-125
Book chapter
see the publicationIn situ feeding assay with Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea): Modelling the influence of confounding factors to improve water quality biomonitoring
Water Research . 45 ( 19 ) : 6417 - 6429
Journal article
see the publicationBayesian modelling of daphnid responses to time-varying cadmium exposure in laboratory aquatic microcosms
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety . 74 ( 4 ) : 693-702
Journal article
see the publicationThe importance of incorporating age and sex when backcalculating length in bullhead Cottus gobio
Journal of Fish Biology . 78 : 1492-1507
Journal article
see the publicationIs PCBs concentration variability between and within freshwater fish species explained by their contamination pathways?
Chemosphere . 85 ( 3 ) : p. 502 - p. 508
Journal article
see the publicationA New Perspective on the Dunnett Procedure: Filling the Gap Between Noec/Loec and Ecx Concepts
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry . 30 : 2888-2891
DOI: 10.1002/etc.686
Journal article
see the publicationModeling Nosocomial Transmission of Rotavirus in Pediatric Wards
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology . 73 ( 7 ) : 1413-1442
Journal article
see the publicationHow non-standard test methods and data analysis tools can benefit to ecological risk assessment of chemicals ?
21. SETAC Europe annual meeting "Ecosystem protection in a sustainable world : a challenge for science and regulation" .
Conference paper
see the publicationTransfer of hydrophobic contaminants in the Rhône River from the sediment to the biota: development of a bioaccumulation model in a management perspective
SETAC Europe . : 2
see the publicationDéterminisme de l’impact des pesticides en cours d’eau : influence de la dynamique de l’exposition sur les effets biologiques
Colloque de restitution du programme EC2CO . : 1
see the publicationPopulation level integration of individual effect measurements for in situ water quality assessment: a modelling approach with Gammarus fossarum
14th international colloquium on Amphipoda . : 1
see the publicationCoupler modèles de dynamique de population et encagements in situ pour appréhender les effets populationnels des contaminations : illustration de la démarche chez le crustacé Gammarus fossarum
Ecologie 2010 . : 25
Conference paper
see the publicationA temperature-dependent Leslie model to describe the dynamics of a bullhead (Cottus gobio) population
Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics . : 1
Conference paper
see the publicationModelling and in situ caging for a realistic extrapolation of ecotoxicological effects at the population level: a methodological approach with Gammarus fossarum (Crustacean) and Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropod)
20th SETAC annual meeting . : 24
Conference paper
see the publicationPopulation dynamics and integration of individual toxicological effects for in situ water quality assessment: a modelling approach with Gammarus fossarum and Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Colloque de la SEFA . : 1
see the publicationApplication of a temperature-dependent von Bertalanffy growth model to bullhead (Cottus gobio)
Ecological Modelling . 221 ( 20 ) : 2475-2481
Journal article
see the publicationFrom individual to population level effects of toxicants in the tubicifid branchiura sowerbyi using threshold effect models in a bayesian framework
Environmental Science and Technology . 44 ( 9 ) : 3566-3571
DOI: 10.1021/es903860w
Journal article
see the publicationDevelopment of partial life-cycle experiments to assess the effects of endocrine disruptors on the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis; a case-study with vinclozolin.
Ecotoxicology . 19 ( 7 ) : 1312-1321
Journal article
see the publicationIdentification of food webs for freshwater river fishes for food-web modelling purposes
International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment . : 1
see the publicationPopulation level integration of individual effect measurements for in situ water quality assessment: a modelling approach with Gammarus fossarum (Crustacean) and Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropod)
Final MODELKEY Conference . : 1
see the publication