Predictive Modelling and Ecotoxicology Group

Professeur des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 00


Maître de conférences
Tel: 33 04 72 44 80 51
Research activities of team MEPS team aim at proposing integrated mathematical and statistical modelling approaches to predict the effects of environmental disturbances at different levels of biological organisation. We are also interested in their functional and evolutionary consequences whether on individual fitness, population, community and/or ecosystem dynamics. In order to build generic enough models with a high predictive power, team MEPS is particularly interested in understanding the functioning of the complex systems under consideration, and not only a very refined description of them. Thus, our models always respect the parsimony principl, ensuring that they remain sufficiently simple with limited "black box" effects. Particular attention is also paid to the robustness, and therefore the generalizability, of the knowledge produced through these models, with the final goal of improving the overall acceptability of modelling approaches in support of decision-making for environmental risk assessment.
Reducing the complexity of systems in order to produce relevant and generic enough models must not preclude having solid mathematical foundations, so that these models remain useful tools for understanding the mechanisms underlying disturbance processes and effects observed on tissues, organisms, populations, communities and/or ecosystems. Such mechanistic models must also include the temporal dimension, which is essential when we are talking about dynamic processes as for realistic exposure scenarios to several environmental pressures. At the same time, complementary criteria of short- and long-term effects must be taken into account to address issues such as remediation and restoration of some specific environments as well as the potential of providing a dynamical and integrative prediction of effects over several generations.
In this context, team MEPS is today focused on the following topics:
- The development of mechanistic models based on physiological, namely physiologically based toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (PBTKTD) models, in the perspective of providing predictive and diagnostic tools for the environmental quality;
- The plasticity of individual responses to one (or a combination of) stress factor(s) (e.g. contamination and/or global warming) and the effects of adaptation phenomena on the long-term dynamics of populations;
- The prediction of the species sensitivity distribution within communities when exposed to chemical contaminants by integrating inter-species variability on various biological parameters of interest and not only on a critical effect concentration;
- The development and the maintenance of the MOSAIC web platform (MOdeling and StAtistical tools for ecotoxICology, which freely and in a user-friendly way provides a collection of tools for data analysis and modelling in the field of ecotoxicology.

Display of 211 to 227 publications on 227 in total
Artificial intelligence and meaning--some philosophical aspects of decision-making
Acta Biotheoretica . 48 : 173-179
Journal article
see the publicationDevelopment of an ecotoxicological model in an arborescent river network: an attempt with a brown trout population
Challenges in applied population biology AAB meeting Aspects of Applied Biology 53, University London, GBR, 8-9 juillet 1999 . : 131-136
Conference paper
see the publicationDevelopment of an ecotoxicological model in an arborescent river network: an attempt with a brown trout population
Aspects of Applied Biology - Challenges in applied population biology . 53 : 131-136
Journal article
see the publicationDynamics Of Transposable Elements Under The Selection Model
Genetical Research . 74 : 159-164
Journal article
see the publicationGrowth modelling in accordance with daily water temperature in European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.)
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences . 56 : 994-1000
Journal article
see the publicationBehavioral choices based on patch selection: a model using aggregation methods
Mathematical Biosciences . 157 : 189-216
Journal article
see the publicationPopulation Dynamics Modelling in an Hierarchical Arborescent River Network: An Attempt with Salmo trutta
Acta Biotheoretica . 46 : 223-234
Journal article
see the publicationA density dependent model describing Salmo trutta population dynamics in an arborescent river network. Effects of dams and channelling
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série III, Sciences de la vie . 321 : 979-990
Journal article
see the publicationReappraisal of the effect of temperature on the growth kinetics of Aeromonas salmonicida
Letters in Applied Microbiology . 25 : 363-366
Journal article
see the publicationThe particular behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes under sub-optimal conditions
International Journal of Food Microbiology . 29 ( 2-3 ) : 201-211
Journal article
see the publicationModélisation à visée prévisionnelle de la cinétique de croissance d`une population de Listeria monocytogenes
incollection . -- : 377-392
Journal article
see the publicationDifferential growth of Listeria monocytogenes at 4 and 8°C: Consequences for the Shelf Life of Chilled Products
Journal of Food Protection . 59 ( 9 ) : 944-949
Journal article
see the publicationThe particular behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes under sub-optimal conditions
International Journal of Food Microbiology . 29 : 201-211
Journal article
see the publicationEpitopic Regions for Antibodies against Tumor Necrosis Factor α
Journal of Biological Chemistry . 270 ( 33 ) : 19509-19515
Journal article
see the publicationConvenient Model To Describe the Combined Effects of Temperature and pH on Microbial Growth
Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 61 ( 2 ) : 610-616
Journal article
see the publicationEpitopic Regions for Antibodies against Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha
Journal of Biological Chemistry . 270 : 19509-19515
Journal article
see the publicationConvenient Model To Describe the Combined Effects of Temperature and pH on Microbial Growth
Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 61 : 610-616
Journal article
see the publication