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Display of 181 to 210 publications on 439 in total
CAARS: comparative assembly and annotation of RNA-Seq data
Bioinformatics . 35 ( 13 ) : 2199-2207
Journal article
see the publicationDetecting adaptive convergent amino acid evolution
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 374 ( 1777 ) : 1-11
Journal article
see the publicationThe neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio indexes individual variation in the behavioural stress response of wild roe deer across fluctuating environmental conditions
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology . 73 ( 11 ) : 1-13
Journal article
see the publicationModelling of omics dose-response data for ecological risk assessment
Journées du GDR Ecologie Statistique (EcoStat) .
Conference paper
see the publicationNew goodness-of-fit plots for censored data in the package fitdistrplus
7ème rencontres R .
Conference paper
see the publicationPollen limitation as a main driver of fruiting dynamics in oak populations
Ecology Letters . 22 ( 1 ) : 98-107
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13171
Journal article
see the publicationDoes stress impair healthy aging? Relationship between stress and telomere length in roe deer
13th conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association .
Conference paper
see the publicationCoexistence of two sympatric cryptic bat species in French Guiana: insights from genetic, acoustic and ecological data
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 18 ( 1 ) : 175
Journal article
see the publicationThe ground plot counting method: A valid and reliable assessment tool for quantifying seed production in temperate oak forests?
Forest Ecology and Management . 430 : 143-149
Journal article
see the publicationStress levels of dominants reflect underlying conflicts with subordinates in a cooperatively breeding species.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology . 72 ( 4 ) : 72
Journal article
see the publicationThe influence of early‐life allocation to antlers on male performance during adulthood: Evidence from contrasted populations of a large herbivore
Journal of Animal Ecology . 87 ( 4 ) : 921-932
Journal article
see the publicationCoexistence of two sympatric cryptic bat species in French Guiana: insights from genetic, acoustic and ecological data
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 18 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationCoexistence de deux espèces cryptiques de chauves-souris en Guyane française : apprentissages à partir de la génétique de l’acoustique et de l’écologie
Plume de Naturalistes . 2 : 169-190
Journal article
see the publicationGearing up to handle the mosaic nature of life in the quest for orthologs
Bioinformatics . 34 ( 2 ) : 323-329
Journal article
see the publicationAbundance of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its parasitoids on vegetables and cassava plants in Burkina Faso (West Africa)
Ecology and Evolution . 8 ( 12 ) : 6091-6103
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4078
Journal article
see the publicationAn attempt to select non-genetic variation in resistance to starvation and reduced chill coma recovery time in Drosophila melanogaster
Journal of Experimental Biology . 221 ( 23 ) : jeb186254
DOI: 10.1242/jeb.186254
Journal article
see the publicationTime course of liver mitochondrial function and intrinsic changes in oxidative phosphorylation in a rat model of sepsis
Intensive Care Medicine Experimental . 6 ( 31 ) : 1-17
Journal article
see the publicationFemales pay the oxidative cost of dominance in a highly social bird.
Animal Behaviour . 144 : 135-146
Journal article
see the publicationA behavior-manipulating virus relative as a source of adaptive genes for parasitoid wasps
see the publicationDeciphering the behaviour manipulation imposed by a virus on its parasitoid host: insights from a dual transcriptomic approach
Parasitology . 145 ( 14 ) : 1979-1989
Journal article
see the publicationDRomics: A Turnkey Tool to Support the Use of the Dose–Response Framework for Omics Data in Ecological Risk Assessment
Environmental Science and Technology . 52 ( 24 ) : 14461-14468
Journal article
see the publicationMaternal reproductive senescence shapes the fitness consequences of the parental age difference in ruffed lemurs
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 285 ( 1886 ) : 20181479
Journal article
see the publicationMOSAIC : une plate-forme web pour l’analyse statistique des données d’écotoxicologie. Fiche Thématique N°13
: 4 p.
Development of a PCR-RFLP assay to identify Drosophila melanogaster among field-collected larvae
Ecology and Evolution . 8 ( 20 ) : 10067 - 10074
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4453
Journal article
see the publicationPersistent Interactions with Bacterial Symbionts Direct Mature-Host Cell Morphology and Gene Expression in the Squid-Vibrio Symbiosis
mSystems . 3 ( 5 )
Journal article
see the publication