Researcher in future studies, specializing in the links between science and society
(after research in mathematics, computer science, biology, history, and teaching research ethics)
Research environments :
- Inria, Semis team
- Botascopia (supported by the ANR Sciences avec et pour la société, “Flores”, by the ANR “Flowers”, and by the PEPR “Agroécologie et Numérique”, Cobreeding project)
- Evoluthon (supported by ANR Evoluthon)
- Santé commune, supported by Shapemed
Teaching :
- Video Research Ethics course (Masters and PhD), Video 1 and Video 2, Scientific Integrity Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Research Ethics in slides
Conferences and workshops :
- The role of research in the Anthropocene (open university)
- The rebound effects of bioinformatics (M2, research seminar)
- Re-appropriating knowledge production and available intellectual property tools
- Places of anticipation
- The disappearance of technology and conviviality
- Science, Environment and Society Workshop
- Doctoral oaths workshops
Responsibilities - Presentations :
- Head of the Inria Semis team
- Member of the scientific committee of the Boutique des Sciences
- Co-founder and editor of Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology
- Member of the “Formation spécialisée de site” of the Inria Lyon center, committee dedicated to working conditions
- Fabrique des Questions Simples, laboratory incubator for research into the Anthropocene
- Scientific advice for the game “empreinte du numérique” by l'arbre des connaissances
Display of 61 to 90 publications on 123 in total
Lateral gene transfer, rearrangement, reconciliation
BMC Bioinformatics . 14 ( Suppl 15 ) : S4
Journal article
see the publicationGene tree correction guided by orthology
BMC Bioinformatics . 14 ( Suppl 15 ) : S5
Journal article
see the publicationDuplication, Rearrangement and Reconciliation: A Follow-Up 13 Years Later
Models and Algorithms for Genome Evolution . 19 : 47-62
Book chapter
see the publicationEfficient Exploration of the Space of Reconciled Gene Trees.
Systematic Biology . 62 ( 6 ) : 901-912
Journal article
see the publicationGenome-scale coestimation of species and gene trees.
Genome Research . 23 ( 2 ) : 323-330
Journal article
see the publicationFPSAC: Fast Phylogenetic Scaffolding of Ancient Contigs
Bioinformatics . 29 ( 23 ) : 2987-2994
Journal article
see the publicationPhylogenetic modeling of lateral gene transfer reconstructs the pattern and relative timing of speciations.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 109 ( 43 ) : 17513-17518
Journal article
see the publicationPreserving Inversion Phylogeny Reconstruction
WABI 2012 - 12th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics . : 1-13
Conference paper
see the publicationApproximating the number of Double Cut-and-Join scenarios
Theoretical Computer Science . 439 : 30-40
Journal article
see the publicationANGES: reconstructing ANcestral GEnomeS maps.
Bioinformatics . 28 ( 18 ) : 2388-2390
Journal article
see the publicationLinearization of ancestral multichromosomal genomes
BMC Bioinformatics . 13 ( Suppl 19 ) : S11
Journal article
see the publicationEvolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies
Bioinformatics . 28 ( 18 ) : i382-i388
Journal article
see the publicationLateral gene transfer as a support for the tree of life.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 109 ( 13 ) : 4962-4967
Journal article
see the publicationHDR - Evolution combinatoire Algorithmique des chromosomes
incollection . -- : 54-56
Journal article
see the publicationMapping ancestral genomes with massive gene loss: a matrix sandwich problem.
Bioinformatics . 27 ( 13 ) : i257-65
Journal article
see the publicationL'époque romantique contre la peine de mort
incollection . -- : 54-56
Journal article
see the publicationReconstructing the architecture of the ancestral amniote genome.
Bioinformatics . 27 ( 19 ) : 2664-2671
Journal article
see the publicationPreface : Satellite Workshop on Comparative Genomics Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB-CG 2010)
Journal of Computational Biology . 18(9) : 1-3
Journal article
see the publicationAncestral grass karyotype reconstruction unravels new mechanisms of genome shuffling as a source of plant evolution.
Genome Research . 20 ( 11 ) : 1545-57
Journal article
see the publicationYeast ancestral genome reconstructions: the possibilities of computational methods II.
Journal of Computational Biology . 17 ( 9 ) : 1097-112
Journal article
see the publicationPalaeogenomics of plants: synteny-based modelling of extinct ancestors.
Trends in Plant Science . 15 ( 9 ) : 479-87
Journal article
see the publicationComparative genomics : international workshop, RECOMB-CG 2010, Ottawa, Canada, October 9-11, 2010 : proceedings
International Workshop on Comparative Genomics . 978-3-642-16180-3
Detecting lateral gene transfers by statistical reconciliation of phylogenetic forests
BMC Bioinformatics . 11 ( 324 ) : 13
Journal article
see the publicationLe génome aux ordres des mathématiciens
La Recherche . 439 : 54-56
Journal article
see the publicationBayesian sampling of genomic rearrangement scenarios via double cut and join.
Bioinformatics . 26 ( 24 ) : 3012-9
Journal article
see the publicationCassis: detection of genomic rearrangement breakpoints.
Bioinformatics . 26 ( 15 ) : 1897-8
Journal article
see the publication