Evolutionary Genetics of Interactions Group

Ingénieur d'études CDD

Maître de conférences
Tel: 04 72 43 29 16


Chargé de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 81 01

Chargé de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 12

Maîtresse de conférence universitaire
Tel: 04 72 43 29 16

Professeur des universités

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 81 01

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 04 72 43 29 10

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42


Maître de conférence universitaire
Tel: 33 04 72 44 81 01

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 19 21

Professeure des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 44 82 16

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Professeur des universités
Tel: 33 04 78 87 27 02
Living systems are made up of a multitude of interlocking levels of organization, involving cooperation and conflict. Cooperation and the selection of systems operating in a coordinated manner has allowed so-called "major" evolutionary transitions, towards new scales of individuality, such as the eukaryotic cell. Nevertheless, natural selection continues to operate at all scales, generating possible evolutionary conflicts between the different components of the individual.
Our research is in line with this perspective, and aims to better understand the nature and evolutionary implications of the interactions between the multiple components of organisms, from genes to symbiotic bacteria, viruses and transposable elements. We also explore the impact of these interactions on the dynamics of genetic information, through horizontal transfer, or on genetic innovation and adaptation, through domestication. Our research, mainly experimental, but also theoretical, is implemented on arthropod models, and is mainly related to genetics and evolutionary genomics.
The team is structured along two main axis:
- Intragenomic interactions: transposable elements (resp. Marie Fablet)
Ex1: The evolutionary dynamics of transposable elements (TEs) in genomes, in relation to their natural variability. Our models include natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, as well as species of agronomic or societal interest, such as the invasive species D. suzukii or the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus.
Ex2: Interactions between ET control and anti-viral immunity. We are studying the molecular mechanisms of RNA interference at the origin of the entanglement of these two processes, as well as the co-evolutionary implications, using experimental infections of different viruses on several Drosophila lines.
People involved : CV, MB, MF
- Symbiosis, the driving force of evolution (resp. Natacha Kremer)
Ex1 : Certain symbiotic bacteria provide metabolic capacities that the insect lacks. We are analysing these interactions in haematophagous insects (bedbugs, ticks) and phytophagous insects (the whitefly Bemisia tabaci) using approaches combining phenotype analysis, genetics, physiology and metabolomics.
Ex2: Parasitoid insects have domesticated viral genes enabling them to bypass the immune responses of their hosts. We are studying the frequency and adaptive significance of these events and, more generally, looking into the factors structuring horizontal transfers in host-parasitoid communities.
People involved: NK, LM, LZ, JMD, JV, FV, SC
Display of 391 to 420 publications on 460 in total
Cytogenetic mechanism and genetic consequences of thelytoky in the wasp Trichogramma cacoeciae
Heredity . 93 : 592-596
Journal article
see the publicationVirulence multiple infections and regulation of symbiotic population in the Wolbachia-Asobara tabida symbiosis
Genetics . 168 : 181-189
Journal article
see the publicationIncipient evolution of Wolbachia compatibility types
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 58 : 1901-1908
Journal article
see the publicationNatural Wolbachia infections in the Drosophila yakuba species complex do not induce cytoplasmic incompatibility but fully rescue the wRi modification
Genetics . 167 : 827-34
Journal article
see the publicationWhat maintains noncytoplasmic incompatibility inducing Wolbachia in their hosts: a case study from a natural Drosophila yakuba population
Journal of Evolutionary Biology . 17 : 322-330
Journal article
see the publicationTransposable element dynamics in two sibling species: Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans
Genetica . 120 : 115-123
Journal article
see the publicationDiversity distribution and specificity of WO phage infection in Wolbachia of four insect species
Insect Molecular Biology . 13 : 147-153
Journal article
see the publicationIntra-individual coexistence of a Wolbachia strain required for host oogenesis with two strains inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility in the wasp Asobara tabida
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 58 : 2167-2174
Journal article
see the publicationWolbachia infections in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans: polymorphism and levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility
Genetica . 120 : 51-59
Journal article
see the publicationWolbachia transfer from Rhagoletis cerasi to Drosophila simulans: investigating the outcomes of host-symbiont coevolution
Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 70 : 273-279
Journal article
see the publicationL`influence des éléments transposables sur la taille des génomes
Journal de la Société de Biologie . 198 : 413-417
Journal article
see the publicationVariation of the genome size estimate with environmental conditions in Drosophila melanogaster.
Cytometry Part A . 55 ( 1 ) : 43-9
DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.10061
Journal article
see the publicationReduction in the sex ratio of the progeny of a parasitoid wasp (Trichogramma brassicae) surviving the insecticide chlorpyrifos
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology . 45 : 203-208
Journal article
see the publicationDivergent strategies in low temperature environment for the sibling species Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans: Overwintering in extension border areas of France and comparison with African populations
Evolutionary Ecology . 17 : 523-548.
Journal article
see the publicationPhenotypic plasticity of sternopleural bristle number in temperate and tropical populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Genetical Research . 81 : 25-32
Journal article
see the publicationStrain-specific regulation of intracellular Wolbachia density in multiply infected insects
Molecular Ecology . 12 : 3459-3465
Journal article
see the publicationWolbachia segregation dynamics and levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility in Drosophila sechellia
Heredity . 90 : 157-161
Journal article
see the publicationCharacterization of non-cytoplasmic incompatibility inducing Wolbachia in two continental African populations of Drosophila simulans
Heredity . 90 : 49-55
Journal article
see the publicationEvolutionary consequences of Wolbachia infections
Trends in Genetics . 19 : 217-223
Journal article
see the publicationVariation of the genome size estimate with environmental conditions in Drosophila melanogaster
Cytometry - Part A . 55A : 43-49
Journal article
see the publicationInfectious behavior in a parasitoid
Science . 302 ( 5652 ) : 1930
Journal article
see the publicationBetween- and within-host species selection on cytoplasmic incompatibility-inducing Wolbachia in haplodiploids
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 57 : 421-427
Journal article
see the publicationOn the mechanism of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility: confronting the models with the facts
BioEssays . 25 : 259-265
Journal article
see the publicationWorldwide distribution of transposable element copy number in natural populations of Drosophila simulans
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 57 : 159-167
Journal article
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 57 ( 1 ) : 159-167
Journal article
see the publicationStimulating effects of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on host searching and infestation efficacy of a parasitoid wasp.
Pest Management Science . 58 ( 4 ) : 321-328
DOI: 10.1002/ps.454
Journal article
see the publicationStimulating effects of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on host searching and infestation efficacy of a parasitoid wasp
Pest Management Science . 58 : 321-328
Journal article
see the publicationInfection polymorphism and cytoplasmic incompatibility in Hymenoptera-Wolbachia associations
Heredity . 88 : 361-365
Journal article
see the publicationPhylogeny of six African Leptopilina species (Hymenoptera : Cynipoidea Figitidae) parasitoids of Drosophila spp. with descriptions of three new species
Annales de la Société Entomologique de France . 38 : 319-332
Journal article
see the publicationTrue parthenogenesis induction or successful feminization?
Trends in Genetics . 18 : 70-71
Journal article
see the publication