Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics Group
Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 04 72 44 84 87

Professeure des universités
Tel: 33 04 26 23 44 76

Enseignant-chercheur CPJ

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 62 97

Professeur d'université émérite
Tel: 04 72 44 85 60
Ingénieur d'études CDD

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 11 67

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 85 60

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 84 87

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 13 44

Directeur de recherche

Professeure des universités émérite
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Maître de conférences
Tel: 04 72 43 35 83

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 35 82

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 62 96

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 26 28

Chercheur invité
Ingénieur de recherche CDD
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Our group focuses on two main axes: phylogenomics (i.e. the inference of evolutionary history based on genomics data) and evolutionary genomics (understanding the molecular and population processes that drive genome evolution). We see genomes both as a subject of research (how do genomes evolve, why are they structured the way they are?), but also as a main source of empirical knowledge about the macroevolutionary patterns (what do they tell us about the history of life on Earth?), or about the phenotypes and life-history strategies of organisms. Our works heavily rely on methodological developments (bioinformatics, modeling and statistical inference).
Evolution of genome architecture and expression
Genomes are the result of a long-term evolutionary process, shaped by multiple evolutionary forces. Some genomic features are adaptive (i.e. are beneficial for the fitness of organisms), others result from non-adaptive processes (random drift and biased gene conversion - BGC) or are caused by conflicts between multiple levels of selection (e.g. meiotic drive or the spread of selfish genetic elements). We explore different aspects of genome architecture (base composition landscapes, genome structure and size, impact of transposable elements, …) or functioning (gene expression, lncRNAs, epigenetic landscapes, …), and try to disentangle the relative contribution of adaptive and non-adaptive processes to their evolution. For this purpose, we consider both the molecular mechanisms (mutation, repair, recombination) and the population processes (selection, drift, BGC, …) that shape genetic variation.
We are interested in reconstructing the history of life on Earth. This research unfolds along several axes. First, we develop phylogenomic databases of aligned genetic sequences (e.g. BIBI, RiboDB or HOGENOM). Second, we conduct methodological research on how to accurately reconstruct deep phylogenies, infer divergence times, reconstruct ancestral genetic sequences, gene repertoires and life-history traits. This methodological work is translated into publicly available software programs (e.g. SeaView, PhyloBayes, Coevol). Finally, we apply these approaches to several important problems, among which: reconstructing the phylogeny of animals, of archaea, or the global tree of life; using phylogenies and ancestral gene repertoires to investigate the evolution of complex systems and the emergence of molecular and cellular functions in the three domains of life; reconstructing ancestral genetic sequences, a research activity that has industrial and biotechnological applications.
Teaching and outreach
We teach at University Lyon 1 (Master Bioinfo@Lyon), INSA, ENS Lyon, we organize bioinformatics internships. We regularly give conferences on evolution (tree of life, human evolution, genetic diversity, …).
Prospective students and postdocs are invited to apply, as we often welcome visitors for internships or research projects.
Keywords: Molecular evolution and Population Genomics; Phylogenomics; Computational Genomics; Comparative genomics; Bioinformatics; Statistical inference.
Display of 121 to 150 publications on 1095 in total
No evidence for female kin association, indications for extragroup paternity, and sex‐biased dispersal patterns in wild western gorillas
Ecology and Evolution . 11 ( 12 ) : 7634-7646
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7596
Journal article
see the publicationElevated rates of horizontal gene transfer in the industrialized human microbiome
Cell . 184 ( 8 ) : 2053-2067.e18
Journal article
see the publicationChanges in the Human Gut Microbiota Associated With Colonization by Blastocystis sp. and Entamoeba spp. in Non-Industrialized Populations
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology . 11 : 533528
Journal article
see the publicationThe Molecular Determinants of Thermoadaptation: Methanococcales as a Case Study
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 5 ) : 1761–1776
Journal article
see the publicationDILS: Demographic inferences with linked selection by using ABC
Molecular Ecology Resources .
Journal article
see the publicationMassive colonization of protein-coding exons by selfish genetic elements in Paramecium germline genomes
PLoS Biology . 19 ( 7 ) : e3001309
Journal article
see the publicationSeaview Version 5: A Multiplatform Software for Multiple Sequence Alignment, Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses, and Tree Reconciliation
Multiple Sequence Alignment . 2231 : 241-260
Book chapter
see the publicationResurrection of Ancestral Malate Dehydrogenases Reveals the Evolutionary History of Halobacterial Proteins : Deciphering Gene Trajectories and Changes in Biochemical Properties
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 9 ) : 3754-3774
Journal article
see the publicationStructural and functional analysis of the Francisella lysine decarboxylase as a key actor in oxidative stress resistance
Scientific Reports . 11 ( 1 ) : 972
Journal article
see the publicationNatural Selection beyond Life? A Workshop Report
Life . 11 ( 10 ) : 1051
DOI: 10.3390/life11101051
Journal article
see the publicationQuantifying the impact of changes in effective population size and expression level on the rate of coding sequence evolution
Theoretical Population Biology . 142 : 57-66
Journal article
see the publicationInferring Long-Term Effective Population Size with Mutation–Selection Models
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 10 ) : 4573-4587
Journal article
see the publicationLong-Lived Species of Bivalves Exhibit Low MT-DNA Substitution Rates
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences . 8
Journal article
see the publicationThe Transposable Element Environment of Human Genes Differs According to Their Duplication Status and Essentiality
Genome Biology and Evolution . 13 ( 5 )
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evab062
Journal article
see the publicationA Comprehensive Evolutionary Scenario of Cell Division and Associated Processes in the Firmicutes
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 6 ) : 2396-2412
Journal article
see the publicationPlant genera Cannabis and Humulus share the same pair of well-differentiated sex chromosomes
New Phytologist . 231 ( 4 ) : 1599-1611
DOI: 10.1111/nph.17456
Journal article
see the publicationComplete genome of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain BDV5419, representative of Australian genospecies L
Microbiology Resource Announcements . 10 ( 8 ) : e00042-21
DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00042-21
Journal article
see the publicationComplete Genome Sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. Strain BDV5040, Representative of Widespread Genospecies B in Australia
Microbiology Resource Announcements . 10 ( 3 ) : e01326-20
DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01326-20
Journal article
see the publicationReconstruction of body mass evolution in the Cetartiodactyla and mammals using phylogenomic data.
Peer Community Journal . 1 : e42
Journal article
see the publicationTransposable element activity in the transcriptomic analysis of mouse pancreatic tumors
see the publicationA new tool to cross and analyze TE and gene annotations
Peer Community In Genomics . : 100010
Other publication
see the publicationA Bayesian Mutation–Selection Framework for Detecting Site-Specific Adaptive Evolution in Protein-Coding Genes
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 3 ) : 1199-1208
Journal article
see the publicationUniversal probabilistic programming offers a powerful approach to statistical phylogenetics
Communications Biology . 4 ( 1 ) : 244
Journal article
see the publicationReconstructing the History of Variation in Effective Population Size along Phylogenies
Genome Biology and Evolution . 13 ( 8 )
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evab150
Journal article
see the publicationClimatic change and diet of the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria (Canary Archipelago, Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age
Journal of Archaeological Science . 128 : 105336
Journal article
see the publicationEpigenetics drive the evolution of sex chromosomes in animals and plants
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 376 ( 1826 ) : 20200124
Journal article
see the publicationMindfulness-based programs improve psychological flexibility, mental health, well-being and time management in academics
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education .
Journal article
see the publicationChromosomal Conjugative and Mobilizable Elements in Streptococcus suis: Major Actors in the Spreading of Antimicrobial Resistance and Bacteriocin Synthesis Genes
Pathogens . 9 ( 1 ) : 22
Journal article
see the publicationAncient DNA from Guam and the peopling of the Pacific
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 118 ( 1 ) : 1-12
Journal article
see the publication