Evaluation and Modeling with the Therapeutic Effects Group

Maîtresse de conférences - praticienne hospitalière
Tel: 04 72 11 94 07
Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 32 34 87

Professeur des universités - médecin généraliste
Tel: 04 78 74 18 18

Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 33 04 78 78 57 83

Professeure des universités - médecin généraliste
Tel: 04 78 77 72 86

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Assistant hospitalier universitaire
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 16 80 99

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier émérite

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 27 85 77 32

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 78 86 33 01


Maîtresse de conférences - praticienne hospitalière
Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 72 11 94 20

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 12 94 37
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
EMET presentation
The EMET team brings together doctors, pharmacists and research professors specializing in the evaluation and use of drug and non-drug therapies, around a single project built on two axes:
- the evaluation of therapies in clinical trials or observational studies;
- the construction of explanatory and predictive models, to better understand and therefore predict the effect of therapies, simulate their impacts at the individual and population level, and improve the innovation paradigm.
The EMET team is therefore part of two major dynamics in therapy: analysis of the level of evidence and precision medicine.
The fields of application are cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, primary care medicine, rare pediatric diseases (including genetic and autoimmune diseases), oncology and infectious diseases.
EMET members implement approaches using different mathematical models: direct comparison and network meta-analysis, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis, Bayesian networks and machine learning.
The EMET team is specially involved in the teaching of pharmacology and therapeutics and the modeling of the treatment effect through the coordination of the Masters 2 Clinical Evaluation (EC) and Pharmacology modeling and clinical trials (PHAME), Interpretation of Therapeutic Trials (IET), Training of investigators in clinical drug trials (FIEC) and Training of clinical research assistants and clinical study technicians (FARCTEC). Teacher-researchers are also involved in the first (pharmacology), second (pharmacology / therapeutics, pharmacy) and third cycles (general medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine) in health training courses.
Society involvement
The members of the EMET team through their work and their interactions with the other components of the LBBE, National societies, governmental (HAS) or international (EMA) agencies, and the Hospices Civils de Lyon, are invested in current societal issues: rationalization of the use of health product resources, research ethics, gender equality, rationality of approaches in analyzing the diversity of human populations.
Display of 571 to 600 publications on 628 in total
Patient versus general practitioner perception of problems with treatment adherence in type 2 diabetes: From adherence to concordance
European Journal of General Practice . ( 15 ) : 147-53.
Journal article
see the publicationPatient versus general practitioner perception of problems with treatment adherence in type 2 diabetes: From adherence to concordance
European Journal of General Practice . 15 ( 3 ) : 147-153
Journal article
see the publicationPharmacocinétique de l'amikacine chez l'adulte : une hétérogénéité qui remet en cause le calcul de la dose basé sur le poids
Thérapie . 64 ( 1 ) : 189-194
Journal article
see the publicationCritique du modèle additif de l’essai clinique randomisé
Therapies . 63 ( 1 ) : 29-35
Journal article
see the publicationRenal hypersensitivity' to inulin and IgA nephropathy
Pediatric Nephrology . 23 ( 10 ) : 1883-1885
Journal article
see the publication‘Renal hypersensitivity' to inulin and IgA nephropathy
Pediatric Nephrology . 23(10) : 1883-1885
Journal article
see the publicationHypersensitivity to inulin : a rare and mostly benign event
American Journal of Kidney Diseases . 52(3) : 632-633
Journal article
see the publicationComment lire un article rapportant un test diagnostique?
Médecine . 1 : 1-3
Journal article
see the publicationCritique du modèle additif de l'essai clinique randomisé
Thérapie . 63 ( 1 ) : 29-35
Journal article
see the publicationA modelling approach to explore some hypotheses of the failure of neuroprotective trials in ischemic stroke patients.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology . 97 ( 1 ) : 60-78
Journal article
see the publicationA numerical study of the blocking of migraine by Rolando sulcus.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology . 97 ( 1 ) : 54-9
Journal article
see the publicationModelling methodology in physiopathology.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology . 97 ( 1 ) : 28-39
Journal article
see the publicationA global phenomenological model of ischemic stroke with stress on spreading depressions.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology . 97 ( 1 ) : 4-27
Journal article
see the publicationBehavior learning using emotional conditioning
IROS Workshop "From motor to interaction learning in robots" .
Conference paper
see the publicationEffectiveness of home treatment for patients with cystic fibrosis: the intravenous administration of antibiotics to treat respiratory infections.
Pediatric Pulmonology . 43 ( 9 ) : 908-15
DOI: 10.1002/ppul.20878
Journal article
see the publicationPrésentation pulmonaire inhabituelle d’une histiocytose à cellules de Langerhans systémique
La Revue de Médecine Interne . 29 ( 8 ) : 669-672
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see the publicationThe Hill equation: a review of its capabilities in pharmacological modelling
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology . 22 : 633-648
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see the publicationNew insights on the relation between untreated and treated outcomes for a given therapy effect model is not necessarily linear
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology . 61 : 301-307
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see the publicationMeta-analysis of continuous outcomes combining individual patient data and aggregate data
Statistics in Medicine . 27(11) : 1870-1893
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see the publicationCiclesonide noninferiority to placebo on growth velocity
Pediatrics . 122 : 676-677
Journal article
see the publicationPharmacocinétique de la teicoplanine chez le sujet âgé : construction d'un modèle pour le suivi thérapeutique
Journal de Pharmacie Clinique . 27 ( 3 ) : 189-194
Journal article
see the publicationEffets indésirables à long terme des médicaments: comment améliorer la prise en charge?
Archives de Pédiatrie . 14(6) : 603-604
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see the publicationPresentation of the French Network of Paediatric Clinical Investigation Centres (CIC.P)
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology . 21 : 105--110
Journal article
see the publicationRole of astrocytes in grey matter during stroke: a modelling approach.
Brain Research . 1138 : 231-42
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see the publicationWhen to stop in the quest of formes frustes of connective tissue disease ?
Clinical Rheumatology . 26 ( 4 ) : 615-616
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see the publicationSome reflexions about double blind
L'Encéphale . 34(4) : 347-351
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see the publicationDo We Need to Assess the Effect of Treatment Withdrawal? The Paradigm of Life-Long Prevention
Journal of the American Hearth Association . -- : 219-226
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see the publicationCritères intermédiaires et critères de substitution
Médecine Thérapeutique . 13(4) : 279-286
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see the publicationSevere myoclonic epilepsy in infancy: A systematic review and a meta-analysis of individual patient data
Epilepsia . 48 : 1-6
Journal article
see the publicationDoes a change in angiotensin-II-formation caused by antihypertensive drugs affect the risk of stroke ? A meta-analysis of trials according to treatment with potentially different effects on angiotensin-II
Journal of Hypertension . 25 : 1543-1553
Journal article
see the publication
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