Evaluation and Modeling with the Therapeutic Effects Group

Maîtresse de conférences - praticienne hospitalière
Tel: 04 72 11 94 07
Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 32 34 87

Professeur des universités - médecin généraliste
Tel: 04 78 74 18 18

Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 33 04 78 78 57 83

Professeure des universités - médecin généraliste
Tel: 04 78 77 72 86

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Assistant hospitalier universitaire
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 16 80 99

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier émérite

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 27 85 77 32

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 78 86 33 01


Maîtresse de conférences - praticienne hospitalière
Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 04 72 11 94 20

Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 12 94 37
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
EMET presentation
The EMET team brings together doctors, pharmacists and research professors specializing in the evaluation and use of drug and non-drug therapies, around a single project built on two axes:
- the evaluation of therapies in clinical trials or observational studies;
- the construction of explanatory and predictive models, to better understand and therefore predict the effect of therapies, simulate their impacts at the individual and population level, and improve the innovation paradigm.
The EMET team is therefore part of two major dynamics in therapy: analysis of the level of evidence and precision medicine.
The fields of application are cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, primary care medicine, rare pediatric diseases (including genetic and autoimmune diseases), oncology and infectious diseases.
EMET members implement approaches using different mathematical models: direct comparison and network meta-analysis, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis, Bayesian networks and machine learning.
The EMET team is specially involved in the teaching of pharmacology and therapeutics and the modeling of the treatment effect through the coordination of the Masters 2 Clinical Evaluation (EC) and Pharmacology modeling and clinical trials (PHAME), Interpretation of Therapeutic Trials (IET), Training of investigators in clinical drug trials (FIEC) and Training of clinical research assistants and clinical study technicians (FARCTEC). Teacher-researchers are also involved in the first (pharmacology), second (pharmacology / therapeutics, pharmacy) and third cycles (general medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine) in health training courses.
Society involvement
The members of the EMET team through their work and their interactions with the other components of the LBBE, National societies, governmental (HAS) or international (EMA) agencies, and the Hospices Civils de Lyon, are invested in current societal issues: rationalization of the use of health product resources, research ethics, gender equality, rationality of approaches in analyzing the diversity of human populations.
Display of 61 to 90 publications on 626 in total
Treatment strategy for acquired pure red cell aplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Blood Advances . 7 ( 21 ) : 6451-6465
Journal article
see the publicationPlatelet count threshold for hemorrhage in patients with immune thrombocytopenia treated with antiplatelet agents
Blood . 142 ( 12 ) : 1099-1101
Journal article
see the publicationProlonged response after TPO-RA discontinuation in primary ITP: results of a prospective multicenter study
Blood .
Journal article
see the publicationImmune thrombocytopenia and pregnancy: an exposed/nonexposed cohort study
Blood . 141 ( 1 ) : 11-21
Journal article
see the publicationAUC-based monitoring and model-informed precision dosing of vancomycin in critically ill patients: why and how?
Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine . 42 ( 6 ) : 101286
Journal article
see the publicationPopulation Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis in a Malian and a French Center and Simulation of the Optimal Loading Dose
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring . 45 ( 5 ) : 637-643
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluation of Limited Sampling Strategies for Bayesian Estimation of Daptomycin Area Under the Concentration–Time Curve: A Short Communication
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring . 45 ( 4 ) : 562-565
Journal article
see the publicationFrom Personalized to Precision Medicine in Oncology: A Model-Based Dosing Approach to Optimize Achievement of Imatinib Target Exposure
Pharmaceutics . 15 ( 4 ) : 1081
Journal article
see the publicationSuboptimal exposure to fluconazole in critically ill patients: Pharmacokinetic analysis and determinants
Infectious Diseases Now . 53 ( 2 ) : 104630
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluation of Renal Impairment Influence on Metabolic Drug Clearance using a Modelling Approach
Clinical Pharmacokinetics . 62 ( 2 ) : 307-319
Journal article
see the publicationGranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in patients presenting sepsis-induced immunosuppression: The GRID randomized controlled trial
Journal of Critical Care . 78 : 154330
Journal article
see the publicationDaptomycin Exposure as a Risk Factor for Daptomycin-Induced Eosinophilic Pneumonia and Muscular Toxicity
Clinical Infectious Diseases . 77 ( 10 ) : 1372-1380
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciad386
Journal article
see the publicationStrengthening Reporting of Neonatal Trials
Pediatrics . 152 ( 3 )
Journal article
see the publicationHeterogeneity and Gaps in Reporting Primary Outcomes From Neonatal Trials
Pediatrics . 152 ( 3 )
Journal article
see the publicationSafety of Re-dosing Nirsevimab Prior to RSV Season 2 in Children With Heart or Lung Disease
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society . 12 ( 8 ) : 477-480
Journal article
see the publicationEfficacy of nirsevimab against respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infections in preterm and term infants, and pharmacokinetic extrapolation to infants with congenital heart disease and chronic lung disease: a pooled analysis of randomised
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health . 7 ( 3 ) : 180-189
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see the publicationAvis de l'Anses relatif à l’évaluation du triphénylphosphate (TPP) (EC No 204-112-2 ; CAS No 115-86-6) dans le cadre de l’évaluation des substances sous REACH
: 12 p.
see the publicationTheratyping cystic fibrosis patients to guide elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor out-of-label prescription
European Respiratory Journal . 62 ( 4 ) : 2300110
Journal article
see the publicationClinical problems in rare interstitial lung diseases
European Respiratory Society .
see the publicationProlonged response after TPO-RA discontinuation in primary ITP: results of a prospective multicenter study
Blood .
Journal article
see the publicationImmune thrombocytopenia and pregnancy: an exposed/nonexposed cohort study
Blood . 141 ( 1 ) : 11-21
Journal article
see the publicationPreuves de bénéfice et décision thérapeutique : enquête auprès de médecins généralistes sur la prescription d’hydroxychloroquine pour traiter la Covid-19
Exercer . 34 ( 195 ) : 298-304
Journal article
see the publicationOutcomes of pregnancies with preterm premature rupture of membranes occurring before 24 weeks of gestation: An 11‐year observational study
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics . 162 ( 2 ) : 590-595
DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.14700
Journal article
see the publicationDefining standard and high dosages for β-lactam agents administered by intermittent, prolonged or continuous infusion: a PK/PD simulation study
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy . 78 ( 11 ) : 2762–2769
DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkad300
Journal article
see the publicationA Knowledge-Based Approach for Evaluating Impact of Therapeutic Strategies
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence . 3 : 1036-1046
Conference paper
see the publicationPopulation designations in biomedical research: limitations and perspectives
HLA: Immune Response Genetics . 101 ( 1 ) : 3-15
DOI: 10.1111/tan.14852
Journal article
see the publicationReplacing liquid with solid dosage forms in pediatric practice: Feasibility and economic impact from a hospital-based study
Therapies . 77 ( 4 ) : 445-452
Journal article
see the publicationNirsevimab for Prevention of RSV in Healthy Late-Preterm and Term Infants
New England Journal of Medicine . 386 ( 9 ) : 837-846
Journal article
see the publicationImmune thrombocytopenia with clinical significance in systemic lupus erythematosus: a retrospective cohort study of 90 patients
Rheumatology . 61 ( 9 ) : 3627-3639
Journal article
see the publication
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