Statistics and Modelling for Health Sciences
Evaluation and Modeling with the Therapeutic Effects Group
Gueyffier François
Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier émérite
Professor François GUEYFFIER has more than 30 years of experience in clinical pharmacology and modeling in pharmacology. He coordinated the EU-USA INDANA consortium (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_indana/) for performing individual data meta-analyzes (IPDMA) of randomized controlled trials in hypertension (Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, USA, China), leading to more than 20 international publications in this field. This experiment served to illustrate how the IPDMA approach could / should influence the recommendations and design of new randomized controlled trials (doi: 10.1016 / j.jclinepi.2015.05.024). He is the author of 214 publications recorded in Pubmed, 269 according to web of science, H index 36 for WoS.
He coordinated the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) in Lyon during its first 10 years (2001-2011), as well as the working group on data management in the French CIC network. He helped to establish the requirements for data management centers in the European network ECRIN (http://www.ecrin.org). The data management platform he coordinates in Lyon is ECRIN certified in July 2016 (http://www.ecrin.org/news/two-data-centres-receive-ecrin-certification). He prepares a recertification for a larger perimeter, including almost all support services for clinical research in Lyon University Hospitals – Hospices Civils de Lyon.
He was PI of the national network for patient recruitment in the IDEAL trial (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_ideal/) to identify biomarkers predictive of response to antihypertensive therapy.
He coordinated the BIMBO national consortium (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_bimbo/) to help identify markers of antihypertensive drug response by combining the modeling and clinical pharmacology approach.
His team (Dr Patrice NONY and Dr Catherine CORNU) coordinated the European project PriomedChild CRESIM (https://lbbe.univ-lyon1.fr/-CRESIM-.html), to help the choice of the best experimental plan by the simulation of clinical tests.
He teaches clinical pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine. He is co-head of a master's degree course 2 "pharmacology modeling and clinical trials", local leader of the Inter University Diploma “training clinical trial investigators”. He was in charge of organizing experts committees for HCERES, member of selection committees of local and national research projects, member of the Commission de Transparence of Haute Autorité de Santé vice-chief of the Health Data Department of the Hospices Civils de Lyon.
Display of 91 to 120 publications on 173 in total
Cardiovascular Events and Bleeding Risk Associated With Intravitreal Antivascular Endothelial Growth Factor Monoclonal Antibodies: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
JAMA Ophthalmology . 132 ( 11 ) : 1317-26
Journal article
see the publicationGuidelines for Managing High Blood Pressure
Journal of the American Medical Association . 312 ( 3 ) : 293-294
Journal article
see the publicationMultivariate meta-analysis using individual participant data
Research Synthesis Methods . 6 ( 2 ) : 157-174
DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.1129
Journal article
see the publicationL\textquoterighteffet placebo chez l\textquoterightenfant est méconnu et peu étudié
La Lettre du Pharmacologue . 27 : 17--20
Journal article
see the publicationInformation et participation active des patients à l\textquoterightaide d\textquoterightune brochure interactive lors de la prescription d\textquoterightantihypertenseurs en soins primaires
Santé Publique . 25 : 193--201
Journal article
see the publicationBiomarker-guided therapies in heart failure: a forum for unified strategies
Journal of Cardiac Failure . 19 : 592-9
Journal article
see the publicationImpaired baroreflex sensitivity and the risks of new-onset ambulatory hypertension, in an elderly population-based study
International Journal of Cardiology . 168 : 4010-4
Journal article
see the publicationMeta-analysis of randomised trials with a continuous outcome according to baseline imbalance and availability of individual participant data
Statistics in Medicine . 32 ( 16 ) : 2747-2766
DOI: 10.1002/sim.5726
Journal article
see the publicationAre we using blood pressure-lowering drugs appropriately? Perhaps now is the time for a change
Journal of human hypertension . 28 : 68-70
DOI: 10.1038/jhh.2013.79
Journal article
see the publicationPhysicians' knowledge and practice of lung cancer screening: a cross-sectional survey comparing general practitioners, thoracic oncologists, and pulmonologists in France
Clinical Lung Cancer . 14 : 574-80
Journal article
see the publicationImpact of Genetic Polymorphism on Drug-Drug Interactions Mediated by Cytochromes: A General Approach
AAPS journal . 15 : 1242--1252
Journal article
see the publicationQuantitative Prediction of the Impact of Drug Interactions and Genetic Polymorphisms on Cytochrome P450 2C9 Substrate Exposure
Clinical Pharmacokinetics . 52 : 199-209
Journal article
see the publicationRevising the ECRIN standard requirements for information technology and data management in clinical trials.
Trials . 14 ( 1 ) : 97
Journal article
see the publicationPharmacoepidemiology studies: what levels of evidence and how can they be reached?
Thérapie . 68 ( 4 ) : 241-52
Journal article
see the publicationÉtudes pharmaco-épidémiologiques : quels niveaux de preuve et comment les atteindre ?
Thérapie . 68 : 241--246
Journal article
see the publicationIs there excess mortality in women screened with mammography: a meta-analysis of non-breast cancer mortality
Trials . 14 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationAre concomitant treatments confounding factors in randomized controlled trials on intensive blood-glucose control in type 2 diabetes? a systematic review
BMC Medical Research Methodology . 13 ( 1 ) : 107
Journal article
see the publicationEssais cliniques institutionnels : quel monitoring ?
Pharmacologie clinique . 68 : 135-141
Journal article
see the publicationHeart rate: a prognostic factor and therapeutic target in chronic heart failure. The distinct roles of drugs with heart rate-lowering properties
European Journal of Heart Failure . 16 ( 1 ) : 76-85
Journal article
see the publicationBeta-blockers for the prevention of sudden cardiac death in heart failure patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders . 13 : 52
Journal article
see the publicationAnti-Trypanosoma cruzi cross-reactive antibodies detected at high rate in non-exposed individuals living in non-endemic regions: seroprevalence and association to other viral serologies.
PLoS ONE . 8 ( 9 ) : e74493
Journal article
see the publicationClinically Relevant Efficacy of Insulin Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Thérapie . 68 : 415--7
Journal article
see the publicationCorrespondance à propos de l\textquoterightarticle \guillemotleft Objectifs glycémiques dans la prise en charge du diabète de type 2 \guillemotright
La Presse Médicale . 42 : 1284--1286
Journal article
see the publicationExpected impact of a public health intervention in the presence of synergistic risk factors
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology . 66 : 445-52
Journal article
see the publicationApproche individu-centrée pour l'exploration de stratégies de prescription médicale - un exemple dans l'hypertension artérielle
Proc. de la 6ème Conférence Francophone d'Épidémiologie Clinique, 19èmes Journées des Statisticiens des Centres de Lutte contre le Cancer ( EPICLIN 2012) . : (elec. proc)
Conference paper
see the publicationVirtual reality exposure therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for panic disorder with agoraphobia: a randomized comparison study
Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation . 5 : 35-43
Journal article
see the publicationModeling the impact of cardiovascular prevention strategies: toward better information for public health decisions
Journal of Hypertension . 30 : 51--2
Journal article
see the publicationPharmacotherapy for mild hypertension (Review)
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews . : 1--28
Journal article
see the publicationIndividual patient data meta-analysis of survival data using Poisson regression models.
BMC Medical Research Methodology . 12 ( 1 ) : 34
Journal article
see the publication