Statistics and Modelling for Health Sciences
Evaluation and Modeling with the Therapeutic Effects Group
Gueyffier François
Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier émérite
Professor François GUEYFFIER has more than 30 years of experience in clinical pharmacology and modeling in pharmacology. He coordinated the EU-USA INDANA consortium (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_indana/) for performing individual data meta-analyzes (IPDMA) of randomized controlled trials in hypertension (Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, USA, China), leading to more than 20 international publications in this field. This experiment served to illustrate how the IPDMA approach could / should influence the recommendations and design of new randomized controlled trials (doi: 10.1016 / j.jclinepi.2015.05.024). He is the author of 214 publications recorded in Pubmed, 269 according to web of science, H index 36 for WoS.
He coordinated the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) in Lyon during its first 10 years (2001-2011), as well as the working group on data management in the French CIC network. He helped to establish the requirements for data management centers in the European network ECRIN (http://www.ecrin.org). The data management platform he coordinates in Lyon is ECRIN certified in July 2016 (http://www.ecrin.org/news/two-data-centres-receive-ecrin-certification). He prepares a recertification for a larger perimeter, including almost all support services for clinical research in Lyon University Hospitals – Hospices Civils de Lyon.
He was PI of the national network for patient recruitment in the IDEAL trial (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_ideal/) to identify biomarkers predictive of response to antihypertensive therapy.
He coordinated the BIMBO national consortium (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_bimbo/) to help identify markers of antihypertensive drug response by combining the modeling and clinical pharmacology approach.
His team (Dr Patrice NONY and Dr Catherine CORNU) coordinated the European project PriomedChild CRESIM (https://lbbe.univ-lyon1.fr/-CRESIM-.html), to help the choice of the best experimental plan by the simulation of clinical tests.
He teaches clinical pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine. He is co-head of a master's degree course 2 "pharmacology modeling and clinical trials", local leader of the Inter University Diploma “training clinical trial investigators”. He was in charge of organizing experts committees for HCERES, member of selection committees of local and national research projects, member of the Commission de Transparence of Haute Autorité de Santé vice-chief of the Health Data Department of the Hospices Civils de Lyon.
Display of 151 to 173 publications on 173 in total
Some reflexions about double blind
L'Encéphale . 34(4) : 347-351
Journal article
see the publicationDo We Need to Assess the Effect of Treatment Withdrawal? The Paradigm of Life-Long Prevention
Journal of the American Hearth Association . -- : 219-226
Journal article
see the publicationCritères intermédiaires et critères de substitution
Médecine Thérapeutique . 13(4) : 279-286
Journal article
see the publicationSevere myoclonic epilepsy in infancy: A systematic review and a meta-analysis of individual patient data
Epilepsia . 48 : 1-6
Journal article
see the publicationDoes a change in angiotensin-II-formation caused by antihypertensive drugs affect the risk of stroke ? A meta-analysis of trials according to treatment with potentially different effects on angiotensin-II
Journal of Hypertension . 25 : 1543-1553
Journal article
see the publicationPersisting low monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR expression predicts mortality in septic shock
Intensive Care Medicine . 32 : 1175-1183
Journal article
see the publicationSafety of computerized drug management: a case report
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology . 63 : 245-246
Journal article
see the publicationEstimation of attributable burden of disease: authors' reply
Journal of Hypertension . 24 ( 5 ) : 933-936
Journal article
see the publicationCardiovascular Risk Stratification in Decision Support Systems: A Probabilistic Approach. Application to pHealth
2006 Computers in Cardiology .
Conference paper
see the publicationThe lower the better: Does simplicity lead to absurdity?
Editorial comment . 24(3) : 431-433
Journal article
see the publicationMethods for evaluation of total cardiovascular risk
Médecine thérapeutique . 11 : 233--236
Journal article
see the publication[Readability of informed consent forms for subjects participating in biomedical research: updating is required]
La Presse Médicale . 34 ( 1 ) : 13-8
Journal article
see the publicationLa modélisation des interactions en pharmacologie : un outil d'intégration des connaissances complexes
Arch Mal C'ur Vais . 98 : 61
Conference paper
see the publicationThe true treatment benefit is unpredictable in clinical trials using surrogate outcome measured with diagnostic tests
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology . 58 : 1042-1051
Journal article
see the publicationSystolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Lowering as Determinants of Cardiovascular Outcome
Hypertension . 45(5) : 907-913
Journal article
see the publicationApparent effect on blood pressure is only partly responsible for the risk reduction due to antihypertensive treatments
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology . 19 : 579-584
Journal article
see the publicationPrévention de la dépendance des personnes âgées : étude randomisée dans la communauté Prevention of Dependency in Elderly Persons: A Randomised Study in the Community
Thérapie . 89 : 731-9
Journal article
see the publicationCausality and statistical association (2) Mechanical determinism and stochastic model
Revue du Praticien (La) . 53 : 933-936
Journal article
see the publicationHow should therapeutic information be transferred to users?
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology . 17 : 495-503
Journal article
see the publicationAbsolute benefit number needed to treat and gain in life expectancy: which efficacy indices for measuring the treatment benefit?
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology . 56 : 977-982
Journal article
see the publicationPharmacogenetics and responders to a therapy: Theoretical background and practical problems
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine . 41 : 564-572
Journal article
see the publicationLe Projet INDANA : Méta-analyse sur données individuelles des essais cliniques du traitement médicamenteux de l'hypertension artérielle
see the publication